Sunday, April 5, 2009

#604/605 The Bosnian People once again Reject the Dayton Constitution (i prevedeno)‏

ONLINE NEWSLETTER - In English and Bosnian

No. 605

March 31, 2009







6. Narod Bosne i Hercegovine i dalje ne priznaje legalnost i legitimnost Daytonskog ustava

7. Stigala nam je nepristojna eletronska poruka od clanice Evropskog parlamenta

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By Muhamed Borogovac, Ph.D., ASA, MAAA
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Filing the law suit for genocide in 1993 at the International Court of Justice by Bosnia and Herzegovina against Serbia and Montenegro precedes all subsequent constitutional and legal arrangements for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The final judgment of the International Court of Justice supersedes all constitutional arrangements that are today imposed on the victims of aggression and genocide, including Annex 4 to the Dayton Peace Agreement (the so-called Dayton Constitution) and the Brcko Amendment.

Bosnia-Herzegovina was a victim of aggression from Serbia, as established by the UN Security Council’s Resolutions 752 and 757 in 1992, for which Serbia was punished as the aggressor by the economic sanctions and blockade..

On February 26, 2007, The International Court of Justice in its legally binding judgment in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro “Finds that Serbia has violated the obligation to prevent genocide, under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, in respect of the genocide that occurred in Srebrenica in July 1995.” The Court ruled that genocide in Srebrenica against the people of Srebrenica and the entire East Region of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was committed by the government and institutions of “Republika Srpska” and specifically the Army (VRS) and Police (MUP) of “Republika Srpska” and that Serbia had an obligation to prevent the genocide.

As a reminder, the war ended in the fall of 1995 when Dayton Peace Agreement has been signed. Even though it is an international treaty signed by presidents of three countries Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia (Izetbegovic, Tudjman, and Milosevic, respectively), it contained the new constitution of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the infamous Annex 4 to the Dayton Peace Agreement. This agreement was in direct violation of the international law, which prevents countries to impose constitutional changes onto its neighbor, and especially if one of them (referring to Serbia) committed aggression and violated the court imposed obligation to prevent the genocide of that neighbor.

In addition, the so-called Dayton Constitution was imposed on B&H even though the final version signed in Paris was never ratified in the Parliament of the Republic of B&H. Even worse, the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic B&H (Article 268) and procedures for the change of the constitution were totally ignored, as proven by constitutional scholars [e.g. Sienho Yee in the article "The New Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina" published in European Journal of International Law article ( Yee Eur J Int Law.1996; 7: 176-192)]: )

These days we witnessed an attempt by enemies and traitors of people of B&H to provide some legality to the illegitimate Dayton Constitution by amending it using provisions of the Constitution of the Republic B&H (the Article 268) that requires public debate. The so-called Brcko Amendment did not have any other objective but to legalize the illegitimate Dayton Agreement, as was well summarized by Professor Boyle in his interview to BosTel:

In expectation that people of B&H will be in favor of the amendment to the illegitimate Dayton Constitution, traitors and enemies of people of B&H initiated public debate as part of the procedure required for the adaptation of the amendments. However, during the Public debate, which took place in series of town hall meetings in 5 major Bosnian cities and on the internet, people of Bosnia-Herzegovina overwhelmingly rejected the constitutional change. Raffi Gregorian, an Acting High Representative (AHR) and Brcko Supervisor, was quoted expressing his regrets because of the strong opposition of the people of B&H to the amendment. Transcripts of town hall meetings are available on the website of the Parliament, which clearly show that the people of B&H rejected the amendment.

At the end of the public debate, surprisingly, the constitutional committee decided to disregard the opinion of the people of B&H and to go with the amendment to the so-called Dayton Constitution, not even mentioning the results of the public debate.

People of Bosnia-Herzegovina reject any amendments to the illegitimate Dayton Constitution, as well as the Dayton Constitution itself. Now it should be clear to the world community and all freedom loving people that people of Bosnia-Herzegovina reject the illegitimately imposed Dayton Constitution as the law of the country.



By Vahid Sendijarevic, Ph.D.
Troy, Michigan, USA

The following is a content of an e-mail that National Congress of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (NCRBH) received on March 24, 2009 from Ms. Doris Pack, a Member of the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee and a Chairwoman of the delegation for relations with the countries of South East Europe: “Please stop your sendings.. You are destabilizing B&H even more then it was done. All those, who try to heal and are looking forward, are hindered by you.”

When Ms. Doris Pack says in her e-mail that “You [NCRBH] are destabilizing B&H even more then it was done,” she is saying that distribution of an Online Bulletin by NCRBH, as a part of the public debate regarding the Brcko Amendment and NCRBH’s opposition to the Brcko Amendment, are more destabilizing than the aggression on B&H by Serbia and rape, mass killing, ethnic cleaning, and genocide committed on people of B&H. This is the same as to say that the quest for justice by Jews 60 years after the holocaust is more destabilizing for Europe than the crimes of Nazis against Jews.

How to understand her statement, other than that she believes that people of Bosnia and Herzegovina as victims of genocide are entitled to a lower level of justice or no justice at all? Or that international law and constitutional law have no bearing on the victims of aggression and genocide?

When she says in her e-mail “All those, who try to heal and are looking forward, are hindered by you,” she suggests that no healing is possible unless the victims of aggression and genocide give up their rights to justice, freedom and sovereignty. She should know that there is no justice if the victims of ethnic cleansing and genocide are forced to sign over their sovereignty to those who did everything to exterminate them. With her statement she placed herself shoulder-to-shoulder with those who openly work to force people of B&H to accept the facts on the ground established by the aggression and genocide.

We would like to remind Ms. Doris Pack that the goal of the people of B&H is to get back what was taken from them by the aggression and genocide. Our struggle is lawful and we place our hope and our faith in the just cause.

We demand an apology from Ms. Doris Pack and the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee to people of B&H and the NCRBH for the indecent content of her e-mail.

Otherwise, we might conclude that Ms. Doris Pack and the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee regard people of B&H as a lower class of humanity, which would be a crime in itself.



Sienho Yee; The New Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina; European Journal of International Law (Yee Eur J Int Law.1996; 7: 176-192) ; search "Sienho Yee", for the free article. to subscribe to the Journal.



Summary by Prof. Francis A. Boyle


6. Narod Bosne i Hercegovine i dalje ne priznaje legalnost i legitimnost Daytonskog ustava

Pise: Dr. Muhamed Borogovac,
Actuary, Clan Americke Akademije Actuara

Tuzba Republike Bosne i Hercegovine za genocid protiv Srbije i Crne gore je predana na Internacionalni Sud pravde prije svih ustavnih i promjena i izmjena zakona koje su uslijedile tokom i poslije rata. Finalna presuda Internacionalnog suda Pravde je nadredjena svim ustavnim promjenama koje se danas namecu zrtvama agresije i i gnocida, ukljucujuci i Aneks 4 Daytonskog mirovnog sporazuma (tzv. Daytonski ustav) i amandman za Brcko.

Bosna i Hercegovina je bila zrtva agresije iz Srbije, sto je utvdjeno 1992. godine rezolucijama br. 752 i 757 Savjeta sigurnosti Ujedinjenih nacija, kojima je Srbija ujedno bila kaznjena kao agresor uvodjenjem ekonomskih sankcija i blokade.

26. februara 2007 Internacionalni Sud pravde u Hagu je donio pravosnaznu presudu po tuzbi Bosne i Hercegovine protiv Srbije i Crne Gore za genocid u kojoj je presudio da je Srbija kriva za nesprecavanje genocida, a sto je bila obavezna prema Konvenciji za kaznjavanje i sprecavanje zlocina genocida. Radi se o genocidu izvrsenom u Srebrenici u julu 1995. Genocid je izvrsen u Srebrenici nad tadasnjim stanovnistvom Srebrenice, narodom izbjeglim u Srebrenicu iz cijele istocne Bosne i Hercegovine. Sud je presudio da je pocinitelj genocida Republika Srpska, preko svojih institucija Vojske RS (VRS) i Milicije RS (MUP), a da je Srbija imala obavezu da sprijeci taj genocid.

Sjetimo se da je rat zavrsio u jesan 1995, kada je Daytonski mirovni sporazum poptisan. Mada je to medjudrzavni sporaum potpisan izmedju predsjnika tri drzave, Izetbegovica iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Tudjmana iz Hrvatske i Milosevica iz Srbije ipak taj sporazum sadrzi i "novi ustav" Bosne i Hercegovine, kao Anaks 4 Daytonskog sporazuma. Time je direktno narusen internacionalni zakon koji zabranjuje drzavama da namecu ustavne promjene susjednim drzavama, a pogotovo je nedopustino da to cini drzava koja je pocinila agresiju (Srbija) i pogazila obavezu iz prvostepenih presuda iz 1993. da sprijeci genocid u susjednoj drzavi.

Takozvani Daytonski ustav je bio nametnut Bosni i Hercegovini iako finalna verzija sporazuma, kasnije svecano potpisana u Parizu, nikada nije ratificirana u Skupstini Republike Bosne i Hercegovine. Jos i gore od toga, procedura promjene Ustava Republike BiH, definisana u clanu 268 ustava Republike BiH je bila totalno ignorisana, sto je dokumentovano od strane naucnika koji se bave ustavnim pravom, npr. Sienho Yee, u clanku "Novi Ustav Bosne i Hercegovine" objavljen u naocnom casopisu "Evropski Casopis za Internacionalno Pravo" ( Yee Eur J Int Law.1996; 7: 176-192)]: )

Ovih dana smo svjedoci pokusaja naprijatelja i izdajnika naroda Bosne i Hercegovine da legalizuju nelegitimni Daytonski ustav na nacin sto ce sada provesti kompletnu proceduru promjene ustava definisanu clanom 268 ustava Republike BiH, koju su bili duzni provesti jos 1995. kod usvajanja Daytopnskog ustava. Jedna od stepenica te procedure zahtijeva i javnu rasparvu o promjeni Ustava. Glavna posljeidca tzv. Brcanskog amandmana je da legalizuje nelegitimni dajtonski ustav, sto je veoma dobro sumirao Prof. Boyle u njegovom intervjuu za BosTel:

U ocekivanju da ce narod Bosne i Hercegovine podrzati amandman na nelegitimni Daytonski ustav, izdajnici i neprijatelji naroda Bonse i Hercegovine su incirali javnu raspravu kao neophodni dio procedure usvajanja amandmana na ustav. Medjuitm, za vrijeme javne rasprave koja je odrzama u 5 vecih gradova i preko interneta narod Bosne i Hercegovine je ubjedljivo odbio ustavnu promjenu. Raffi Gregorijan, tadasnji vrsilac duznosti Visokog predstavnika i Supervizor za Brcko je citiran od strane BH medija kako izrazava zaljenje zbog jake opozicije naroda Bonse i Hercegovine pomenutom amandmanu. Zapisnici sa 5 gradskih sastanaka javne rasprave su na raspolaganju na web stranici Parlamenrane skupstine BiH i oni jasno pokazuju da je narod Bosne i Hercegovine odbio amendiranje ustava.

Na kraju javne rasprave, na iznenadjenje javnosti, Ustavnopravna komisija je zanemarila misljenje naroda BiH i odlucila da nastavi proceduru usvajanja amandmana na tzv. Daytonski ustav, ne osvrcuci se na rezultate javne rasprave.

Narod Bosne i Hercegovine odbija svaki amandman na nelegitimni Daytonski ustav, kao i sam Daytonski ustav.

Neka je jasno svjetskoj zajednici i svim slobodoljubivim narodima da narod Bosne i Hercegovine odbija nelegitimno nametnuti daytonski Ustav kao najvisi pravni akt drzave.


7. Stigala nam je nepristojna eletronska poruka od clanice Evropskog parlamenta

Pise: Dr. Vahid Sendijarevic

Slijedece izjave su sadrzane u elektrnonskoj poruci koju je NKRBiH primio 24 marta, 2009. od gosp. Doris Pack, clanice komisije Evropskog Parlamenta za odnose sa inostranstvom, i predsjdavajuce u delegaciji za odnose za drzavama jugoistocne Evrope:

"Molim vas da prestanjete slanja ovih poruka. Vi destabilizirate Bosnu i Hercegovinu vise nego sto je bila ranije. Svi oni koji se trude da zalijece rane i koji gledaju naprijed su ometeni od vas."

Kada gosp. Doris Pack kaze da mi (NKRBiH) "destabiliziramo BiH vise nego sto je nekad bila" ona kaze da nase ucesce u javnoj raspravi i nase suprotstavljanje amandmanu za Brcko koje smo distribuirali u nasim Online Glasnicima vise destabilizira Bosnu i Hercegovinu nego agresija pocinjena od strane Srbije, silovanja, masovna ubistva, etncko ciscenje i genocid u BiH. Ovo je isto kao kada bi kazala da je zahtjev za pravdom koju Jevreji traze i 60 godina poslije holokausta vise destabilizirajuci nego zlocini nacista protiv Jevreja.

Kako da razumijemo njenu izjavu drukcije nego da ona vjeruje da narodu Bosne i Hercegovine kao zrtvama genocida pripada nizi nivo pravde, ili da ne trebamo cak ni traziti bilo kakvu pravdu. Izgleda da Intrenacionalni zakoni i ustav ne igraju nikakvu ulogu kada su bosanske zrtve agresije i genocida u pitanju.

Kada ona kaze u svom emailu: "Svi oni koji se trude da zalijece rane i koji gledaju naprijed su ometeni od vas." ona podrazumjeva da ne moze biti zacjeljenja rana osim u slucaju da zrtve agresije i genocida odustanu od pravde, slobode i suvereniteta. Ona bi trebala znati da nema pravde ako su zrtve etnickog ciscenja i genocida prisiljavane da se odricu suvereniteta u korist onih koji su sve poduzeli da ih istrijebe. Tom izjavom ona je stavila sebe rame uz rame sa onima koji rade na prisiljavanju naroda Bosne i Hercegovine da prihvati fakticko stanje na terenu uspostavljeno agresijom i genocidom.

Ovom prilikom podsjecamo gosp. Doris Pack da je cilj naroda Bosne i Hercegovine da vrati sve sto mu je oteto agresijom i genocidom. Zakoni su na nasoj strani i mi se borimo za pravednu stvar i zato se nadamo nasoj pobjedi.

Trazimo izvinjenje od gosp. Doris Pack i Komiteta za inostarne poslove Evropskog parlamenta narodu Bosne i Hercegovine i Nacionalnom kongresu Republike BiH za nepristojan sadrzaj njene elektronske poruke.

U suprotnom, mi cemo zakljuciti da gosp. Doris Pack i Komitet za inostarne poslove Evropskog parlamenta smatraju narod Bosne i Hercegovine nizom vrstom ljudi, sto bi samo za sebe bio zlocin.


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