Monday, March 16, 2009



16. mart 2009.





3. BREAKING NEWS: Bosnian Legislators does not Receive the people’s Opinions regarding the Amendment in the "Public Debate"

4. Open Letter to European Parliamentarians Regarding to Miscarriage of Justice in Bosnia

5. That is the Completion of the Tudjman-Milosevic Plan from Karadjordjevo in 1991 about Division of Bosnia-Herzegovina

6. Hayat - Central News Poll Question: Should the BiH Parliament adopt the amendment on Brcko District? YES -113, NO - 3073


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Posljednja sansa da narod Bosne i Hercegovine spasi svoju drzavu od podjele i sebe od necuvene bijede pruza nam se

u 11:00 sati u utorak, 17. marta 2009. u zgradi Skupstine Bosne i Hercegovine.

Tada se odrzava finalni chin "javne rasprave" o Amandmanu I. (o Brckom). Ukoliko tada prodje taj amandman to ce biti prvi put da je narod Bosne i Hercegovine, crno na bijelo, priznaje ovo stanje i miri se sa njim kao sa svojom trajnom sudbinom. To nece dovesti ni do kakvog rjesenja, nego samo do mnogo gore situacije, palestinizacije Bosne i Hercegovine. Nasi politicari su namjerno zakazali javnu raspravu u radni dan u 11:00, kada narod radi, da vi ne bi dosli. Zato, napravite pauzu ili uzmite slobodan dan, ali obavezno dodjite, ne dozvolite da vas tako izmanipulisu.

Pogledajte sta o znacaju ovoga kaze americki Profesor internacionlanog Francis Boyle za BosTel. Prevod profesorovih rijeci na Bosanki je vac uradjen na snimku, za one koji ne znaju Engleski.

Na slijedecem linku poslusajte izjavu dr. Muhameda Borogovca koju je prenijelo nekoliko radio stanica u Bosni i Hercegovini. Tu je jucer predvidjeno sta se moze ocekivati od Hrvata, ako se usvoji Amandman za Brcko, a vec danas je to predvidjanje dobilo potvrddu, jer Hrvati traze razdruzivanje od Federacije.

O zahtjevu Hrvata za se razdruze govori se u prilogu 2. ovog Glasnika.

Dogodila se i nevjerovatna blamaza izdajnickih vlasti Bosne i Hercegovine. Oni su blokirali emil adresu : tako da narod ni u javnoj raspravi ne moze da iznese svoje misljenje.

Obavjestavamo vas da su izdajnicke bh vlasti sabotirale i email adrese i nekih od svojih kolega, onih poslanika za koje nisu sigurni da ce glasati za amandmane, za koje misle da se jos dvoume kako da glasaju. Naime, liderima izdaje, npr. Bakiru Izetbegovicu i Berizu Belkicu nesmetano prolazi email posta, dok ljudima kao Jerko Lijanovic i ponekom iz SBiH ne prolazi.

Ne dozvolimo kriminalnoj bandi da nas porobi i unisti. Svi koji ste u Sarajevu dodjite u Skupstinu na finalni cin rasprave, u utporak u 11 sati, i borite se za vas stav, to je nasa Skusptiuna, vi ste pozvani po Ustavu Republike BiH clan 268, po kojem je zabranjeno mijenjati ustav ako se narod ne slaze sa promjenom.

Neki nasi ljudi pokusavaju stupiti u vezu sa skusptinskom administarcijom, da zahitijevaju da proradi email adresa da se omoguci primanje email poruka. Zato ponovo posaljite vasa misljenja o Amandmanu, ako vam prvi put nije proslo, ili ako jos niste poslali - ne dozvolite da nas na taj primitivni nacin jednostavno "iskljuce" iz nase domovine.

Mi smo danas kreirali i Glasnik na Engleskom jeziku da obavjestimo svijet o ovim dogadjajima. Prenosimo vam ga u cjelini, odmah iza zahtjeva Hrvata za razdruzivanjem iz Federacije.



Bosna i Hercegovina

Priopcenje za javnost
Medijima – svima
16.ožujka 2009. godine

Najavljeno pokretanje postupka formalno-pravnog mirnog razdruživanja
Hrvata iz Federacije BiH kao dio ustavne reforme BiH

U posjet Alternativnoj Vladi Hrvatske Republike Herceg-Bosne doputovalo je razdvojeno protekli tjedan nekoliko izaslanstava: Sjedinjenih Americkih Država, Europske Unije, Ruske Federacije i Izraela kao i Ruske i Britanske TV ekipe državnih televizija.

Cijenjene goste je zanimalo je li moguca samoodrživost Hrvatske Republike Herceg-Bosna i tom prilikom su im predani materijali i dokumentacija vezana uz ekonomsku i svaku drugu samoodrživost što je glavna smjernica buducnosti hrvatskoga naroda u BiH.

Uvaženim gostima je dano na znanje kako je nakon posljednjih presuda cetvorici hrvatskih branitelja u slucaju Radic i ostali, zakljuceno kako su te presude usmjerene protiv hrvatskoga naroda u BiH te je taj dogadaj pokrenuo i proces prikupljanja dokumentacije koja ce se uputiti u parlamentarnu proceduru parlamenta Federacije BiH kako bi se i službeno pokrenuo proces razdruživanja Hrvata iz Federacije BiH.

Nadalje, Washingtonski sporazum nikada nije niti proveden, a na njemu se temelji Federacija BiH, dok je Daytonski sporazum promijenjen u 175 slucajeva uvijek na štetu Hrvata iako OHR nije imao mandat da ga mijenja, a sve pod krinkom „reformi i poboljšanja funkcionalnosti države“ što se nikada nije ni dogodilo. Federacija BiH je prema Washingtonskom i Daytonskom sporazumu bila predvidena kao konfederacija s Republikom Hrvatskom, no ova tocka na pisana u oba sporazuma nikada nije i provedena.
Hrvatima u glavnom gradu HR Herceg-Bosne, Mostaru, je nametnut tzv. Mostarski Statut cime se dodatno osporava konstitutivnost Hrvata i cime demokratski izbori nemaju nikakav smisao. Ovakav kriterij OHR nikada nije nametnuo i bošnjackom politickom krugu cime je napravio dvostruke kriterije.

OHR uopce nije inzistirao na povratku Hrvata u svoje domove nakon rata, dok se izrazito založio za povratak Bošnjaka tako da povratak Hrvata OHR nije ni proveo niti se založio za povrat njihove imovine. Treba naglasiti kako Bošnjaci danas predstavljaju glavni politicki problem u BiH jer javno teže hegemoniji racunajuci na svoju brojcanost, te nastoje podciniti i podložiti druga dva naroda kroz asimilaciju u tzv. „bosansku naciju“ što nailazi na žestok politicki otpor.


3. BREAKING NEWS: Bosnian Legislators does not Receive the people’s Opinions regarding the Amendment in the "Public Debate"

To whom it may concern

Please, consider this as an official complain of Bosnian people to OHR, EU, USA and all International human rights organizations.

National Congress of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina received hundreds of Messages from Bosnian citizens that Bosnian Legislators does not Receive any more the people's Opinion regarding the Amendment in the "Public Debate". What is the purpose of the public debate if they do not want to here what people thinkabout the issue?!

Obviously Bosnian government intends to create peoples opinion about the Amendment as they like. The opinion of the people is overwhelmingly against the constitution change in this moment. One survey on NTV Hayat shoved 3073 votes against, and only 113 votes for.

If they force this amendment to people of Bosnia Herzegovina it will be illegal; it will not fix the problem, it will not legalize Dayton constitution.

Dr. Muhamed Borogovac, ASA, MAAA
For National Congress of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina


3. Open Letter to European Parliamentarians Regarding to Miscarriage of Justice in Bosnia

Dear Mrs. Pack

The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina is again in great danger. The reason for that is the repeated attempt of pro-Russian and pro-Serbian politicians such us Milorad Dodik, Dragan Covic, Sulejman Tihic, Bakir Izetbegovic, Haris Silajdzic and Zlatko Lagumdzija to finalize the Milosevic-Karadzic dream of the complete destruction of Bosnia and Herzegovina state. Unfortunately in that attempt the American diplomat Raffi Gregorian was heavily involved.

Under the influence of these politicians, who thanks to the un-democratic Dayton’s constitution (Annex 4) have ability to self-elect themselves in power infinitely and have unlimited power over the people, over the their private media, jurisdiction and their private police; they are now trying to impose a new amendment to Dayton’s constitution (Amendment I, about the status of district Brcko), which would allow them, if imposed in Parliament of BH, to give Mr. Dodik right for secession from Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the part so called RS, where Mr. Milosevic and Karadzic have committed genocide, ethnic extermination and changed the ethnic structure by means of genocide. The above mentioned politicians are not true representatives of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina , since they are brought to power by means of Serbian intelligence, by means of lying, by means of controlling the media and by means of the bribing of their subjects.

People of Bosnia and Herzegovina have no means to say NO to this latest attack on its sovereignty. Elected people in Parliament BH are under threat of expulsion if they say NO (case of Mehmed Zilic, who was expelled from SDA party because he voted regarding to his own opinion). The public debate about the constitution change was organised in only 5 towns, without informing the people through the media, with request for the people to register themselves before they take a part (an indirect threat), and with all media under their power being silent about what is going on, etc.
Prof. Franics A. Boyle was invited to comment on that situation on 14th of March by the independent television station TV Hayat. Please read what he has to say about that and please contact him for further explanation on what is going on. This situation is very dangerous for the stability of Europe .

Also, Prof. Boyle sent his message to the Bosnian people through interview, which could be seen on this link:

Sincerely Yours,

Esad Jaganjac, Dipl. Mech. Eng
Chief Editor of Web magazine

5. That is the Completion of the Tudjman-Milosevic Plan from Karadjordjevo in 1991 about Division of Bosnia-Herzegovina

Hayat - By Kenan Cerimagic - In an interview for Hayat, professor of international law from the US Francis Boyle advocates rejection of the constitutional amendment on the status of the Brcko District in the BiH Parliament.

“There are many problems with relation to the Brcko amendment. It seems that the US Government is completing the last stage in the process of dividing BiH, and the Brcko amendment is part of this process. What they want to do for the first time is to force the BiH Parliament to ratify illegal and anti-constitutional Dayton constitution, which was imposed on BiH, and they want to do that by avoiding procedures set under the current BiH Constitution for amending the Constitution (…) If this composition of the Parliament supports this, this will be the first case of ratifying and confirming the Dayton constitution.. The next thing they’ll do is to return to (former PDHR Donald) Hays’ reform and the so-called ‘April package’, which will end this job,” Boyle commented.

He goes on to say that at the time of signing the Washington Agreement, the Pentagon envisaged that BiH would fall apart within 15 years, i.e. by 2010.

“I personally do not know the new High Representative from Austria, however I am certain that he is well-intentioned. However, he will not be able to do much, but to listen to the instructions of the US and British governments, both of which mainly support the Brcko amendment. (…) This is the final game for Bosnia orchestrated by Americans and British”, professor Boyle stated, adding that it is true that the RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik is in the winning situation when it comes to this amendment.

He explains: “If you look at the paragraph 21 from the Final Award on the Brcko status dating 5 March 1999, you will see that it clearly states that the Tribunal ends the control of the RS over the Brcko District. Now, this amendment returns the Brcko under the control of the RS, because according to it, it will be in the joint ownership of the FBiH and the RS. RS will – both in territorial and legal terms – come outside of the framework of 49% of BiH that it currently controls and it will expend over to the Brcko district. Arbitration decision passed by the Tribunal took Brcko outside of the RS and placed it under the jurisdiction of the state of BiH (…) Arbitration decision clearly says that at any time of changing the Brcko District status, it is Federation that has a guaranteed right to demand from the Tribunal to allow full and sovereign control over the Brcko District. Why FBIH would now give up from Brcko and accept to share it with RS?... (This amendment) is obviously made in the favor of the RS and its expansion. It would cement the existence of the RS.”
Boyle goes on to say that his sources from the SDA inform him that the SDA leader Sulejman Tihic does everything Americans tell him to do, including support to the April package. He explains that he had worked with Haris Silajdzic and SBiH to fail the package.

Commenting what are possible consequences of the Brcko amendment, Boyle said:

“Bosnian government and state institutions would no longer be able to function. We have to understand that this was the intention of (Richard) Holbrooke and lawyers from the State Department who authored Dayton. (…) I do not know how Bosnia would survive as the state if the Parliament endorses Brcko amendment together with the Hays’ reforms and April package. I fear that BiH will simply collapse in all that. (…) Brcko amendment enables renewed establishing of the RS control over town of Brcko and it would only continue to further cement genocide, ethnic cleansing and mass rapes of Bosnian women. This amendment is horrendous, as well as its implications for the future of BiH, that is if (BiH) has one after Brcko amendment and Hays’ April package. (…) That is the end-game and completion of the Tudjman-Milosevic plan from Karadjordjevo in 1991 about division of BiH between Serbia and Croatia. People must understand that this is about that.”

At the end of the interview, Boyle proposes that the only solution for BiH is to start with comprehensive negotiations on the constitutional changes, which would satisfy all and ensure a central and efficient government.

Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Avenue
Champaign IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (voice)
217-244-1478 (fax)
(personal comments only)


6. Hayat - Central News Poll Question: Should the BiH Parliament adopt the amendment on Brcko District? YES -113, NO - 3073



Ovo je ne samo dobro novinarstvo nego i pravi umjetncki patriotski dozivljaj


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