National Congress of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina
ONLINE NEWSLETTER No. 470 - International issue
May 22, 2007
1. Silajdzic consents to "Police of Republika Srpska" contrary to the election promises
2. Bosnian politicians reached agreement on Srebrenica's future status
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1. Silajdzic consents to "Police of Republika Srpska" contrary to the election promises
By Dr. Muhamed Borogovac
Banja Luka "Independent News" published the following news on May 9, 2007.
We cite:
Bruxelles -- The visit by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) Sven Alkalaj to Bruxelles, and the talks with the highest level EU authorities -- High Representative Xavier Solana and the EU Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn -- had the purpose to produce some movement in the stalled negotiations on police reform with assistance from Bruxelles, as 'Independent News' has been informed by knowledgeable sources within diplomatic circles close to Solana and Rehn.
"Alkalaj communicated that Haris Silajdzic, i.e. the Bosniak side, would be ready to reopen negotiations on police reform on the basis of the proposal that opens the possibility that the police agency with responsibilities within Republika Srpska be named 'Police of Republika Srpska in BiH'", stated the EU diplomat, who requested anonymity. According to him, after Solana and Rehn heard out Alkalaj, they repeated the well known stance that EU approves any deal that respects the three principles that Bruxelles has already put forth as necessary for police reform in BiH.
"Because of previous experience, the EU stance shows a dose of skepticism.
The proposal put forth by Alkalaj had already been on the table, it was accepted by the Premier of RS Milorad Dodik, but Silajdzic had done everything to make sure that this compromise fell through. Dodik used that to return to his own previous position. Alkalaj showed a great deal of optimism in his presentation, but we have seen that many times from BiH politicians when they come to Bruxelles." -- end citation.
COMMENT: Let us remember the behavior of the tandem Silajdzic-Tihic after the genocide verdict. At the time the two of them were making strong statements such as the following: "The Hague verdict confirms that the RS institutions, including the police committed genocide. As such, the RS police must not continue to exist."
At that time, immediately after the genocide verdict, Tihic needed a patriotic statement about the RS police because the most optimistic portrayal of the verdict would hide his previous efforts to weaken the genocide lawsuit -- in which he had enjoyed the full support of Silajdzic.
However today, only a few months after that verdict and as soon as the dust settled, Silajdzic and Tihic have gathered some courage and are continuing their treacherous plan. There is not a single trace of his boisterous patriotism from Silajdzic any more. Easily he consents to "The Police of RS in BiH", which is the worst outcome -- to keep the police within the entity borders. Of course, Dodik and our own traitors are trying to present that unimportant name change as a major RS concession.
The EU has been pressuring RS to respect last year's agreement on police reform which was ratified even in the RS parliament. That agreement set up the Commission for Police Reform, formed with EU monitoring, as an expert and non-political body in charge of creating the new police law. In its report, the Commission left much room for RS to obstruct further development by not explicitly defining the police regions or stating where or whether they should cross entity lines. Instead, it left that most important issue to be decided by a subsequent "agreement by the politicians", despite having the mandate to draw those regions itself -- a mandate not affected by the boycott of the commission by RS members of the commission ordered by Dodik.
However, the EU still insists on the three principles, and such a political agreement therefore must bring police regions that are defined to be functional, rather than by entity. Silajdzic's current message to the EU, carried by Alkalaj, is that the Bosniak side will accept the existence of the RS police. This, of course, is completely untrue -- neither Bosniak nor Croat parliamentarians would vote for such a blatant and clear betrayal.
Even those who have been loyal to Silajdzic would be politically dead after that -- there is much more popular pressure against this than even against the failed constitutional reform amendments of last year. Silajdzic simply needed to take EU's pressure off Dodik in his tug of war over the three principles. The message to the EU is to forget about the three principles and the Commission report, because even the Bosniaks are not insisting on them. If Europe falls for it and stops insisting on the three principles and the report, then Silajdzic would blame the EU for "again" caving in to Dodik and the genocidal RS.
Let us note the efforts that Silajdzic exerts to obfuscate his role and intentions in this. No one is naive enough to actually believe that Alkalaj proposed this to Solana and Rehn by himself. Blaming it on Alkalaj seems to be the backup story, only employed after the proposal was leaked by someone at the EU to a reporter. In fact, in the same article, it is noted how recently Silajdzic publicly refused and denounced that exact same proposal.
Clearly, such exertion to simply hide the fact that he is making this proposal now indicates that he has no power to push it through or intention to even publicly endorse it, and confirms that this is not actually a proposal, just a trick to protect RS by getting the EU to back off from its insistence on the three principles.
It has become obvious that Silajdzic has remained loyal to Serbian (formerly Yugoslavian) intelligence services, for which he worked in confidential positions primarily operating from Yugoslav embassies in the Islamic world, and that Dodik is his indirect (perhaps even direct) superior.
However, it is interesting that Dodik is actually playing the role of an uncompromising and difficult boss -- expecting Silajdzic to deliver results without cutting him any slack or leaving any possibility to at least keep up appearances. For example, it would be much easier for Silajdzic if Dodik agreed to some proposal that in the least resembles a true compromise, with at least some selling points that Silajdzic could use to try to fool the Bosniaks, even if it still allowed RS to keep its genocidal police within entity borders.
2. Bosnian politicians reached agreement on Srebrenica's future status
OHR: "Under the agreement,Srebrenica will have a special status within the Serb Republic."
So once again, just as they did in 1995, the entire world will sell out the People of Srebrenica to the genocidaires of Republika Srpska, the genocidal statelet.
Professor Francis A. Boyle
Attorney for the Mothers of Srebrenica and Podrinja
Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (Voice)
217-244-1478 (Fax)
(personal comments only)
BBC Monitoring European
8 May 2007
Source says Bosnian politicians reach agreement on Srebrenica's future status
Source: Slobodna Bosna, Sarajevo, in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian 3 May 07
Text of report by Bosnian newspaper Slobodna Bosna on 3 May
[Report by Adnan Buturovic: "American Denial of Srebrenica Genocide"]
A few days ago, [Bosnian] Serb Republic [RS] Prime Minister Milorad Dodik, Bosnia-Hercegovina [B-H] Federation Prime Minister Nedzad Brankovic, member of State Parliament and chairman of the SDA [Party of Democratic Action] Sulejman Tihic and B-H Prime Minister Nikola Spiric, through the mediation of Principal Deputy High Representative Raffi Gregorian, reached agreement in principle on the future special status of Srebrenica municipality and the first part of the "package of measures for Srebrenica."
A source in the OHR [Office of the High Representative], confirmed the unofficial information for Slobodna Bosna, adding that all the details regarding the measures and ways of their implementation would be known after the appointment of an OHR supervisor for Srebrenica.
"We can say that the Serb and the Bosniak sides have reached an agreement on the future special status of Srebrenica municipality. Under the agreement, Srebrenica will have a special status within the Serb Republic. The special status implies appointing an international supervisor, whose powers will largely resemble those of the former EU administrator for Mostar, Hans Koschnik, with the difference that in Srebrenica political conditions for implementing a package of measures are more favorable than they were in Mostar in 1996.
As soon as the agreement is signed, I hope that the tent camp in Sarajevo will be removed and that Srebrenica residents will return to their homes and start making efforts to completely revitalize Srebrenica," the OHR source told this newspaper.
Measures for New Beginning
Although Dodik would never admit it publicly, the ruling of the International Court of Justice [ICJ] in The Hague, according to which the RS army and police committed genocide against Srebrenica Bosniaks, has obviously been the decisive factor that made him succumb to pressure from the international community and its second-highest official in B-H, Raffi Gregorian, and start solving the status of Srebrenica. Namely, it has become clear to the entity prime minister, Milorad Dodik, that his scheming ambitions in the process of privatization in the RS may be seriously limited if he continues to aggravate the existing dispute with the international community over the Srebrenica status.
According to a list drawn up by the RS Srebrenica Commission, among the 810 people who participated in conquering the town in July 1995 and in the subsequent organized extermination of Bosniaks, as many as 500 are still members of the Serb Republic police.
The second measure relates to the establishment of an ethnic balance in the Srebrenica public sector, in conformity with the 1991 census in B-H.
According to it, the population of Srebrenica municipality consisted of 75.2 per cent of Bosniaks, 22.6 per cent of Serbs, 0.10 per cent of Croats, and 1 per cent of Yugoslavs. The population of the town of Srebrenica consisted of 64 per cent of Bosniaks, 28.4 per cent of Serbs, 34 Croats, and 328 Yugoslavs.
The following is an excerpt from the draft or the declaration requiring status of Srebrenica as a municipality under the control of Bosnia-Herzegovina rather than the Serbian Republic, quote:
"Thus, the International Court of Justice in its final judgment of February 26, 2007, confirmed that “Republika Srpska” is guilty of crimes of genocide carried out by military (vojska) and police of “Republika Srpska” against people of Srebrenica and people of the entire East Region (Podrinje) of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The International Court of Justice confirmed that “Republika Srpska” is a genocidal statelet without any legal base and thus without legal right to exist. Because it is based on genocide, we reject “Republika Srpska” as illegitimate entity which can not have any sovereignty and jurisdictional control over the Municipality of Srebrenica.
Therefore, the Parliament of the Municipality of Srebrenica, representing the victims of genocide, based on the final judgment of the International Court of Justice and the legal right to “RESTITUTION IN INTEGRUM” (restoration of the original condition), declares, that from this date forward Srebrenica is not under jurisdiction of the constitution and the legal system of “Republika Srpska.” We have always been loyal to Bosnia and Herzegovina; our sole loyalty is to Bosnia and Herzegovina and its Constitution. Therefore, we reinstate the laws and the Constitution of Bosnian and Herzegovina.
The constitution and the legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina was never legally terminated and it is for this reason that we recognize that Bosnia and Herzegovina and its Constitution are still in force here in Srebrenica. We, the Parliament of the Municipality and people of Srebrenica, will be applying the laws and constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, flying the flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We will be a part of the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina like Brcko District, but will be applying only the laws of the Bosnia and Herzegovina."
The following is the proof. It is a mixture displaying the similarities of the original Albanian song with the plagiarized Serbian song.
The following is the beautiful original Albanian song by itself.
In a strange way the justice has been served. Namely, the beautiful Albanian Singer became a star on You Tube, while nobody remembers the Serbian singer any more.
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