Monday, October 6, 2008

#477 “Funeral for the Living” - PRESS RELEASE

National Congress of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina

ONLINE NEWSLETTER No. 477 - International issue

July 9, 2007


1. “Funeral for the Living” - PRESS RELEASE

2. "Djenaza za zive" - SAOPSTENJE ZA STAMPU (Bosnian translation)



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1. “Funeral for the Living” - PRESS RELEASE


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We did not react publicly to the most recent betrayal of Srebrenica and its people because of the despair and shame of yet another defeat; however the approach of the twelfth anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica compels us to articulate out our position publicly.

Namely, even before the verdict of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague, which confirmed that genocide occurred in Srebrenica, true patriots of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Podrinje region, and Srebrenica never consented to the humiliation and enslavement which was legalized in Dayton.

Through our persistence we won the decision to establish the Memorial center and cemetery in Potocari; however, we considered that act only as the first step in our fight for freedom and sovereignty, not only for Srebrenica, but for all of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

After our initiative for the Municipal Council of Srebrenica to declare Srebrenica as a special district of Bosnia and Herzegovina, an enthusiastic group of citizens formed the Council for the Special Status of Srebrenica.

Immediately after our initiative, the International Court of Justices announced its verdict that the genocide occurred in Srebrenica. This verdict strengthened our hopes and resolve to prevail because the highest institution of international law confirmed that our initiative was based on legal foundations of the international law. However, we did not expect subversion by certain members of the Municipal Council of Srebrenica and their mentors, primarily from within the highest leadership of the SDA party.

In order to further guarantee success, the Council for the Special Status of Srebrenica and other organizations of victims of genocide closely consulted Dr. Francis Boyle, our legal representative and a respected authority on international law, in the project of writing the Declaration of Special Status of Srebrenica to be voted on at the Municipality Council session. However, that decision (declaration) was not made at the Municipality Council, to the dismay of the victims of genocide and all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina to whom we had promised that Srebrenica will be free before the twelfth anniversary of the genocide, not administered by genocidal Republika Srpska (RS) – an entity whose very existence is a product of that genocide.

Since then, the RS government and other institutions created by genocide, together with the traitorous collaborators mentioned above, have begun to persecute the patriots who fought for the implementation of the genocide verdict from the International Court of Justice at The Hague and to protect the dignity of the victims.

One of the latest acts of Republika Srpska was to force through intimidation the removal of flags of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which are situated next to the Memorial Center and Cemetery on a private parcel of land belonging to the Association of the Mothers of Srebrenica and Podrinje. The official order by the police of Republika Srpska required the removal of the flags within 48 hours, which we ignored, was followed by a misdemeanor charge against the president of the Association. The brazenness of the institutions which committed genocide did not stop there – they subsequently brought forth a criminal charge against the president of the Association. If all this was not so tragic, it would be funny.

The situation begs the question: what is the commemoration ceremony for the twelfth anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica supposed to represent?

Although it is clear to us, it is saddening that so many others do not see the answer – the funeral being held as a central part of the commemoration proceedings is actually not for those victims of genocide whose remains are to be buried; instead, this year’s ceremony is a funeral for Srebrenica itself and for all the survivors of the genocide. Administering this funeral will be Reis Mustafa Ceric, who will be surrounded by the same politicians who pushed Srebrenica toward genocide, and who recently ensured that it remains enslaved.

Those best sons of Bosnia and Herzegovina who are to be buried have already had many funeral ceremonies in absence of their remains – we should ask ourselves if that is an insult in itself.

Yet if all those past funerals and prayers truly represented proper respectful farewells for all of them on their way to the Almighty, then this funeral, after the latest betrayal, will be an insult to those who are “the best among us”. “The best among us” are “alive, except we cannot see them”. Yet, the survivors with no hope of freedom are truly dead, awaiting their final burial. Thus, the twelfth anniversary will be the first time that the deceased are holding a funeral for the living.

Once again, the question is raised - what is the point of this years’ ceremony in Potocar?

The official protocol for the funeral is nothing more than the congregation of the “dead” people that accept enslavement.

For that reason we appeal that the funeral in Potocari does not become the congregation of the slaves, who with time accepted the chains and shackles to be necklaces and bracelets, but for the commemoration to occur as the meeting of the free people – in whose presence the butchers and traitors are shameful, and the victims of genocide esteemed at the mercy of God.

Sarajevo, July 8, 2007.

President, Association “Mothers of Srebrenica & Podrinje”

Member, Executive Council for Special Status of Srebrenica

Member, Executive Council of the Association of Victims of Genocide

Ibran Mustafic

PS: With this letter we have sent to you the final draft of the Decision on the Special Status of Srebrenica, which was not adopted by the Municipal Council of Srebrenica.

To see the pictures of the area and the "Lily Flower" flags click on the following links:

2. "Djenaza za zive" - SAOPSTENJE ZA STAMPU


Nakon posljednje izdaje Srebrenice i Srebrencana, zbog ocaja i stida od posljednjeg poraza nismo reagirali, ali kako se vec bliži dvanaesta godišnjica genocida u Srebrenici, osjecamo potrebu da se oglasimo i iskažemo svoj stav.

Naime, i prije presude Intrenacionalnog suda pravde u Hagu kojom je potvrden genocid u Srebrenici, istinski domoljubi BiH, Podrinja i Srebrenice nikad nisu pristali na poniženje i ropstvo legalizovano u Dejtonu.

Našom upornošcu, uspjeli smo izboriti Odluku o izgradnji Memorijalnog centra i mezarja u Potocarima, ali smo tim cinom smatrali da je to samo uvod u našu dalju borbu za slobodu i suverenitet, kako Srebrenice, tako i cijele BiH.

Nakon naše zamisli da Skupština opštine Srebrenica treba donijeti Odluku o proglašenju Srebrenice distriktom BiH, sastala se grupa entuzijasta i formirala Inicijarivni odbor za poseban status Srebrenice.

Odmah na pocetku razvoja naše inicijative, uslijedila je i preduda Internacionalnog suda pravde u Hagu, što je ojacalo naša uvjerenja da cemo istrajati na putu koji je trasiran medunarodnim pravnim normama, ne sluteci u najnoviju izdaju koja je uslijedila od strane clanova SO Srebrenica i njihovih mentora, prije svega od najužeg rukovodstva SDA.

Iako je, u najužoj saradnji Inicijativnog odbora za poseban stratus Srebrenice i Udruženja koja okupljaju žrtve genocida, na projektu kreiranja Odluke o posebnom stratusu Srebrenice izravno ucestvovao naš opunomoceni advokat prof.dr. Francis Boyle, kao vrhunski ekspert ineternacionalnog prava, što je bila dodatna garancija na naš uspjeh, na našu žalost, Odluka nije donešena, mada smo svim gradanima BiH garantirali da ce obilježavanje dvanaeste godišnjice genocida docekati u slobodnoj Srebrenici van ingerencije genocidne tvorevine.

U saradnji sa izdajnickim snagama koje i do danas kreiraju sudbinu Srebrenice i preživjelih žrtava genocoida, uslijedila je opšta hajka od strane Vlade i institucija nastalih na genocidu na ljude koji su pokušali inplementirati presudu suda u Hagu i žrtvama vratiti dostojanstvo.

Jedna od poslednjih akcija koja se vodi od strane onih koji su pocinili genocid je uklanjanje zastava Republike BiH, koje se nalaze na parceli Udruženja gradana „Majke Srebrenice i Podrinja“ u neposrednoj blizini Memorijalnog centra. Nakon što je stiglo Rješenje komunalne policije opštine Srebrenica kojim se traži uklanjanje zastava u roku od 48 sati, a koje smo mi ignorisali, uslijedila je prekršajna prijava protiv predsjednika Upravnog odbora udruženja. Drskost pocinilaca genocida ide dalje, te se nisu zadovoljili prekršajnom prijavom, tako da su protiv predsjednika Upravnog odbora Udruženja pokrenuli krivicnu prijavu. Da sve ovo navedeno nije tragicno, bilo bi smiješno.

Nakon svega, postavlja se logicno pitanje sta predstavlja obilježavanje dvanaeste godišnjice genocida u Srebrenici?

Nama je odgovor jasan, ali nas dodatno cini nesretnim što mnogi ne prepoznaju pravi odgovor.

Obilježavanje dvanaeste godišnjice genocida u Srebrenici i klanjanje dženaze nije klanjanje dženaze onim koji se kopaju. Ovogodišnja dženaza i sahrana je namijenjena Srebrenici i preživjelim žrtvama genocida, koju ce predvoditi reis Mustafa ef. Ceric okružen politicarima koji su kumovali da Srebrenica doživi genocid i produži svoje ropstvo.

Onim najboljim cvjetovima BiH koji se kopaju je mnogo puta do sada klanjana dženaza u odsustvu, mada se trebamo zapitati da li je i to uvreda.

Ako su dosadašnje dženaze bile istinsko odavanje pocasti i predavanje nevinih duša svevišnjem, ova dženaza, nakon poslednje izdaje je za najplemenitije uvreda.

Dvanaestogodišnjica genocida i dženaza u Potocarima je po prvi put u ljudskoj povijesti dogadaj na kojem ce oni koji se kopaju klanjati dženazu živim, jer „oni su živi, samo mi to ne vidimo“, ali isto tako mnogi ne vide da su oni koji hodaju mrtvi, samo što cekaju svoj definitivni pokop.

Postavlja se logicno pitanje, koji je smisao ovogodišnjeg odlaska u Potocare?

Ako na dženazu odemo po zamišljenom protokolu, onda je to skup „mrtvih“ ljudi koji pristaju na ropstvo.

Iz tog razloga, apelujemo da dženaza u Potocarima ne bude skup robova „kojim su bukagije i lanci vremenom postali narkuvice i ogrlice“, nego da se u Potocarima dženaza dogodi u ambijentu slobodnih gradana na kojoj ce zlikovci, izdajnici i licemeri biti u podredenom i poniženom položaju, a žrtva biti uzdignuta na pijedestal koji je u milosti Allahu dž.š.

Sarajevo, 80.07.2007.

Predsjednik UO Udruženja „Majke Srebrenice i Podrinja“

Clan IO za poseban status Srebrenice

Clan UO Asocijacije žrtava genocida

Ibran Mustafic

PS: Dostavljamo Vam posljednju verziju Odluke o posebnom statusu Srebrenice, koju je trebala donijeti Skupština opštine Srebrenica do obilježavanja godišnjice genocida, a koja nije donesena pod pritiskom najviših "bošnjackih" polticara.

Da vidite slike Memorijalnog centra iznad kojega se prkosno vihore "Ljiljani" kliknite na slijedece linkove:



The following is the text of the DECISSION which expreses the deepest wishes of the survivors of the genocide in Srebrenica. It is still not adopted by the Parliament of the Municiality of Srebrenica due to the enormous preassure of the forein forces and their Bosnian marionettes who want to save Dayton agreenet, which was created on the "realitu" od the genocide.

Bosna i Hercegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina
Opština / Municipality
Skupština Opštine / Municipal Assembly
Adresa/Address: Srebrenickog odreda bb.
Tel/fax: 056/445-500,
Web: www:


Number: 01 – 022 – ___ / 07

Srebrenica, June 23, 2007

Based on the binding judgment of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of February 26, 2007 in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro, We, the members of the Srebrenica Municipal Assembly, who are decisively against any form of discrimination, committed to the rule of law and the justice for the victims of genocide, obeying the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, obeying the European Charter of Local Self-Government, obeying the Charter of the United Nations, request implementation of the binding judgments of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the judgment of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of February 26, 2007 in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro, representing the victims of genocide, in the session of the Srebrenica Municipal Assembly held in Srebrenica on June 23, 2007, adopt the following


About the return of the Municipality of Srebrenica to the sole jurisdiction of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina as the Municipality of Srebrenica was before the aggression and genocide.

The International Court of Justice, on February 26, 2007, in its legally binding judgment in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro „Finds that Serbia has violated the obligation to prevent genocide, under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, in respect of the genocide that occurred in Srebrenica in July 1995.” The Court ruled that genocide in Srebrenica, against the people of Srebrenica and against Bosniaks of the entire East Region of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Podrinje), was committed by the government and institutions of “Republika Srpska” and specifically the Army (VRS) and Police (MUP) of „Republika Srpska” and that Serbia had an obligation to prevent the genocide. Filing the law suit for genocide in 1993 preceded all subsequent constitutional and legal arrangements for Bosnia and Herzegovina, and thereby for Srebrenica. The final judgment of the International Court of Justice supersedes all constitutional arrangements that are offered today to the victims of genocide including Annex 4 to the Dayton Agreement.

Therefore, the Srebrenica Municipal Assembly, representing the victims of genocide, based on the binding judgment of the International Court of Justice and applying the legal right to RESTITUTIO IN INTEGRUM (restoration of the original condition) based on the peremptory norms of International law JUS COGENS, adopts the Decision: THAT FROM THIS DATE FORWARD, THE MUNICIPALITY OF SREBRENICA IS NOT UNDER THE CONSTITUTIONAL, LEGAL, POLITICAL, OR TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF THE ENTITY „REPUBLIKA SRPSKA”. From this date forward, with this Decision, the Municipality of Srebrenica returns to the constitutional and legal jurisdiction of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as the Municipality of Srebrenica was before the aggression and genocide.

With this Decision, the Municipality of Srebrenica and the people of Srebrenica will be under sole jurisdiction of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, flying the flag and using the symbols of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Municipality of Srebrenica will remain a territorial part of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with its status outside of the constitutional, legal, political and territorial jurisdiction of the entity „Republika Srpska”. From this date forward the Municipality of Srebrenica will be applying only the laws of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which are not in conflict with the local self-governing territorial principles and legal position of the Municipality of Srebrenica that were in place before the aggression and genocide.

From the beginning of the aggression and genocide on the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in April 1992 until February 1993, the legitimate defense forces of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Srebrenica successfully resisted the aggression from Serbia and Montenegro (the rump Yugoslavia). In that period, it is estimated that about 1,800 residents of Srebrenica, mostly civilians, died as victims of systematic efforts of genocide and ethnic cleansing. Subsequent to a major offensive carried out by three corps of the Yugoslav Peoples Army (JNA) at the beginning of March 1993, UNPROFOR forces came to Srebrenica. The UN Security Council adopted Resolution S/RES/819 by which Srebrenica was proclaimed a UN Protected Zone, and at the same time a demilitarization agreement was signed. Unfortunately demilitarization practically meant the disarming of the defenders of Srebrenica, and not the forces of the aggressor.

The direct result of disarming Srebrenica is that in July 1995, the UN Protected Zone of Srebrenica became the largest killing site in Europe since World War II, where about 8,500 men, women, and children were brutally murdered.

By the UN Charter, the United Nations were obligated to protect its member state, the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, from aggression and genocide, and not to reward the perpetrators of aggression and genocide with the territory of the victim state.

The genocide committed in Srebrenica was the foundation on which „Republika Srpska” was created. According to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment for the Crime of Genocide, nothing can justify, not even the “Dayton Constitution” as a “legal base”, subjugation of the Municipality of Srebrenica under the jurisdiction of the genocidal entity “Republika Srpska.”

After the genocide in Srebrenica, the Municipality of Srebrenica was illegally (with genocide) removed from jurisdiction of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and illegally placed under the jurisdiction of the genocidal entity “Republika Srpska.” There are no legal provisions under the international law nor customary laws that can be used as bases to transfer the local self-governing municipality from one to another jurisdiction against the will of its people. People of Srebrenica were deprived of their will through genocide. This is why we are obliged to return the Municipality of Srebrenica to the constitutional, legal and territorial status that the Municipality of Srebrenica had before the aggression and genocide.

The goal of the genocide was for Srebrenica to become a territorial and constitutional part of “Republika Srpska.” The lawfulness and justice in the case of Srebrenica will be accomplished only after the goal of the genocide is denied to the perpetrators of the genocide. According to International law, and domestic laws, anything what was achieved unlawfully can not be recognized as lawful.

Under the Dayton Agreement, the unlawful governing power over the victims of genocide in the Municipality of Srebrenica was put into the hands of those who committed the genocide. The Municipal Assembly of Srebrenica, as a lawful governing body, takes the legitimate position that the current situation is unacceptable because it implies that the victims of genocide are themselves legalizing the genocide.

Any pressure or attempt to force the victims of genocide to get used to and accept the situation created by the genocide, is an act of genocide itself.

The present situation in Srebrenica is nothing more than an illegal attempt that started 12 years ago to legalize the genocide which now is confirmed by the Judgment of the International Court of Justice. Therefore, from June 23, 2007, the Municipality of Srebrenica is no longer under the constitutional, legal, political and territorial jurisdiction of the genocidal entity “Republika Srpska.” From this date forward the Municipality of Srebrenica will obey the laws of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, wherever they apply. In all other matters, the Municipality of Srebrenica, based on this Decision which is legal and democratic expression of the will of its people, shall enact new laws independently, which will be consistent with International Law and which will provide equal rights to all residents of Srebrenica, regardless of their ethnicity, religion, and political affiliation.

Until the new constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be enacted, all regulations which are not under jurisdiction of the state but are under local self-governance, will be enacted on the legal principle that supersede national laws, such as the Charter of the United Nations and corresponding Human Rights Conventions, but under no circumstances will they be based on the decisions of parallel, negotiated, war and other ad-hoc institutions and individuals with disputed legal authority.

In order to exercise its rights, based on the peremptory norms of International law (jus cogens), the Municipality of Srebrenica does not need an approval from the institutions that were condemned for the genocide nor from other institutions whose mandate originates from any agreement including the Dayton Agreement.

Srebrenica, June 23, 2007

President / Vice-President

of the Srebrenica Municipal Assembly




Slijdi tekst ODLUKE, koja izrazava najiskrenije zelje prezivjelog naroda Srebrenice, i koja jos nije usvojena od odbornika SO Srebrenica, zbog pritiska snaga iz BiH i svijeta koje po svaku cijenu nastoje da sacuvaju genocidom i agresijom nametnuti Daytonski ustav.


Bosna i Hercegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina
Opština / Municipality
Skupština Opštine / Municipal Assembly
Adresa/Address: Srebrenickog odreda bb.
Tel/fax: 056/445-500,
Web: www:

Broj: 01 – 022 – ____ / 07
Srebrenica, 23 Juni, 2007.god.

Polazeci od pravosnažne presude Medunarodnog suda pravde od 26. februara 2007.godine u slucaju Bosna i Hercegovina protiv Srbije i Crne Gore, mi, odbornici Skupštine Opštine Srebrenica, opredjeljeni protiv diskriminacije po bilo kom osnovu, za vladavinu prava i uklanjanje posljedica genocida, poštivajuci Konvenciju o sprecavanju i kažnjavanju zlocina genocida, poštivajuci Evropsku Povelju o lokalnoj samoupravi, poštivajuci Povelju UN-a, sa zahtjevom za izvršenje pravosnažnih presuda Medunarodnog krivicnog suda za bivšu Jugoslaviju (ICTY) i Medunarodnog suda pravde (ICJ) od 26. februara 2007.godine u slucaju Bosna i Hercegovina protiv Srbije i Crne Gore, te predstavljajuci narod nad kojim je pocinjen genocid, na sjednici Skupštine Opštine Srebrenica, održanoj u Srebrenici 23. juna 2007. godine, donosimo slijedecu


O vracanju Opštine Srebrenica pod iskljucivu jurisdikciju države Bosne i Hercegovine kakvu je Opština Srebrenica imala prije agresije i genocida.

Medunarodni sud pravde je 26. februara 2007. godine svojom pravosnažnom presudom u slucaju Bosna i Hercegovina protiv Srbije i Crne Gore presudio: „Da je Srbija prekršila obavezu da sprijeci genocid na što je bila obavezna na osnovu Konvencije o sprecavanju i kažnjavanju zlocina genocida, koji se odnosi na genocid pocinjen u Srebrenici u julu 1995. godine.” Sud je potvrdio da su genocid u Srebrenici, što ukljucuje i bošnjacko stanovništvo cjelokupne istocne Bosne i Hercegovine (Podrinja), pocinile vlasti i institucije „Republike Srpske”, posebno Vojska (VRS) i Policija (MUP) „Republike Srpske” i da je Srbija imala obavezu da to sprijeci. Podnošenje tužbe za genocid 1993.godine prethodi svim naknadnim ustavno-pravnim promjenama za državu Bosnu i Hercegovinu, a samim tim i za Opštinu Srebrenica. Presuda Medunarodnog suda pravde je nadredena svim politickim rješenjima koja se danas nude žrtvama genocida ukljucujuci i Aneks 4 Dejtonskog sporazuma.

Stoga, Skupština Opštine Srebrenica, predstavljajuci narod nad kojim je pocinjen genocid, pozivajuci se na pravosnažnu presudu Medunarodnog suda pravde i koristeci pravno nacelo RESTITUTIO IN INTEGRUM (vracanje u originalno stanje) utemeljeno na imperativnim normama Medunarodnog prava JUS COGENS, donosi odluku: DA DANOM DONOŠENJA OVE ODLUKE, OPŠTINA SREBRENICA VIŠE NIJE POD USTAVNOM, PRAVNOM, POLITICKOM I TERITORIJALNOM JURISDIKCIJOM ENTITETA „REPUBLIKA SRPSKA”. Ovom odlukom Opština Srebrenica se vraca pod iskljucivu jurisdikciju ustavnog i pravnog sistema države Bosne i Hercegovine kakvu je Opština Srebrenica imala prije agresije i genocida.

Ovom odlukom, Opština Srebrenica i gradjani Srebrenice ce biti pod iskljucivom jurisdikcijom države Bosne i Hercegovine i koristice zastavu i obilježja države Bosne i Hercegovine. Opština Srebrenica ostaje teritorijalni dio države Bosne i Hercegovine u statusu van jurisdikcije genocidnog entiteta „Republika Srpska”. Opština Srebrenica ce u buduce primjenjivati iskljucivo zakone države Bosne i Hercegovine, koji nisu u suprotnosti sa principima teritorijalne i pravne pozicije Opštine Srebrenica prije agresije i genocida.

Od pocetka agresije na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu u aprilu 1992. godine, do februara 1993. godine legalne odbrambene snage Republike Bosne i Hercegovine u Srebrenici su uspješno odolijevale agresiji iz Srbije i Crne Gore (krnje Jugoslavije). Po podacima sa kojim raspolažemo u tom periodu je oko 1.800 stanovnika, vecinom civila, ubijeno kroz pokušaje genocida i etnickog cišcenja. Poslije velike ofanzive koju su vodili tri korpusa Jugoslovenske vojske iz Srbije pocetkom marta 1993. godine, u Srebrenicu su stigle snage UNPROFOR-a. Vijece sigurnosti Ujedinjenih nacija je u aprilu 1993.godine usvojilo rezoluciju S/RES/819 kojom je uspostavljena UN Zašticena zona Srebrenica i potpisan je sporazumom o demilitarizaciji. Nažalost, demilitarizacija je prakticno znacila samo razoružavanje branitelja Srebrenice, a ne i agresorskih snaga.

Direktan rezultat razoružavanja Srebrenice je da je u julu 1995. godine UN Zašticena zona Srebrenica postala najvece stratište u Evropi poslije Drugog svjetskog rata, gdje je oko 8.500 muškaraca, žena i djece bilo brutalno ubijeno.

Prema Povelji Ujedinjenih nacija, Ujedinjene nacije su bile dužne da zaštite svoju clanicu Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu od agresije i genocida, a ne da „nagrade” pocinitelje agresije i genocida sa teritorijom nacije žrtve agresije i genocida.

U Srebrenici je pocinjen genocid, na cijim temeljima je nastala „Republika Srpska”. Na osnovu Konvencije o sprecavanju i kažnjavanju zlocina genocida, ništa ne može opravdati pa ni „Dejtonski Ustav“ kao „pravni osnov”, svrstavanje Opštine Srebrenica pod jurisdikciju genocidnog entiteta „Republika Srpska”.

Nakon genocida u Srebrenici, Opština Srebrenica je nezakonito (genocidom) izuzeta iz jurisdikcije Republike Bosne i Hercegovine, i kao takva je nezakonito prikljucena pod jurisdikciju genocidnog entiteta „Republika Srpska”. Stoga, ne postoji nikakav pravni osnov ni po medunarodnom, ni po ugovornom pravu kojim bi se izuzimanje jedne lokalne samouprave mimo volje njenih gradana moglo smatrati zakonitim. U Srebrenici je slobodna volja gradana onemogucena genocidom. To nas obavezuje da vratimo Opštinu Srebrenica u ustavni, pravni i teritorijalni položaj koji je Opština Srebrenica imala prije agrsije i genocida.

Cilj genocida je bio da Opština Srebrenica postane ustavni, pravni i teritorijalni dio genocidne „Republike Srpske”. Pravo i pravda u slucaju Srebrenice ce biti zadovoljeni samo ako se krivcu oduzme cilj zbog kojeg je izvršio genocid. Po medunarodnom, a i po domacem pravu nešto što je oduzeto nezakonito a pogotovo genocidom ne može se priznati kao legalno.

Dejtonskim sporazumom je vlast nad žrtvom genocida (Opština Srebrenica) je nezakonito stavljena u ruke onih koji su i pocinili genocid. Skupština Opštine Srebrenica, kao legalan organ vlasti, ima legitimni stav da je ovakvo stanje neprihvatljivo jer bi to znacilo legaliziranje genocida od strane same žrtve.

Bilo kakav pritisak ili pokušaj navikavanja žrtve da prihvati stanje uspostavljeno genocidom je cin genocida (Simon Wiesenthal).

Trenutno stanje u Srebrenici nije ništa drugo, nego nastavak prije 12 godina zapocete legalizacije pocinjenog, a sada i potvrdenog genocida od strane Medunarodnog suda pravde. Stoga, od 23. Juna 2007.godine, Opština Srebrenica nije više pod ustavnom, pravnom, teritorijalnom i politickom jurisdikcijom genocidnog entiteta „Republika Srpska“. Opština Srebrenica ce u buduce poštivati iskljucivo zakonske propise države Bosne i Hercegovine u svim njenim nadležnostima. U svim ostalim nadležnostima Opština Srebrenica ce na osnovu ove Odluke kao demokratskog izraza legitimne volje donesene na legalan nacin, usvajati zakonske propise samostalno, a koji ce biti konzistentni sa medunarodnim pravom i koji ce obezbjediti potpune principe ravnopravnosti svih gradana Srebrenice, bez obzira na enicku, vjersku i politicku pripadnost.

Do donošenja novog Ustava Bosne i Hercegovine sve nadležnosti koje sada nisu sadržane na nivou države a u domenu su lokalne samouprave, bice ostvarivane po principu pravnih osnova nadredenih domacem zakonodavstvu kao što su Povelja UN-a i pridružene joj konvencije, a ne odluke paralelnih, dogovornih, ratnih i ostalih ad hoc institucija i pojedinaca zasnovanih na osporivim i osporenim pravnim osnovama. Za ostvarivanje svojih prava, utemeljenih na imperativnim normama medunarodnog prava (jus cogens), Opštini Srebrenica ne treba saglasnost institucija koje su osudene za genocid niti drugih institucija ciji je mandat ili legitimitet izveden iz bilo kojeg ugovora pa ni Dejtonskog.

Srebrenica, 23 Juni, 2007.godine

Pedsjednik / Potpredsjednik
Skupštine Opštine Srebrenica



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