Komunjare ponovo cenzurisu BOnjake
Date :
Sun, 03 Jun 2001 11:26:59 -0400
Od izvjesnog Adisa Juge iz KOnjica dobili smo slijedece obavjestenje:
At 11:47 AM 6/3/01 +0200, Adis Jugo Helena wrote:
>Postovana gospodo,
>primjeceno je da je sa ove adrese poslan SPAM, odnosno mail bez licne
>poruke poslan velikom broju korisnika. Kao takvima, vasa mail adresa bit ce
>iznacena kao nepozeljna na slijedecim mail serverima:
>mail.delta.com.ba, mail.miz.ba, sava.utic.net.ba, most.cob.net.ba,
Adise Jugo,
mi ne saljemo spam jer mi redovno ispisujemo sa nase mailing liste sve one
koji to zele. Mi ne mozemo ispisati sa nase liste one kojima neko drugi
forwarduje nase poruke.
Ovim se stavljate direktno na stranu izdajnika nase domovine. Vi nas ne
mozete zaustaviti. Ima mnogo adresa koje ce slati poruke u BOsnu, ali cete
i vi biti jedan od zlikovaca odgovrnih za buduca stradanja Bosnjaka, pocev
od Zepca, preko Sarajeva, Brckog, Mostara itd.
Ovo vase pismo cemo cuvati kao krunski dokaz vase izdaje i saradnje sa
nasim dusmanima.
Vi znate da smo mi jedina istinska patriotska snaga Bosnjaka i zato nas se
bojite. Da mi ne govorimo istinu vi nebiste imali razloga za strah. Ima
dosta extremista koji svakakve extremne stavove zastupaju, ali ih se vi ne
bojite, jer nisu blizu istini. Jedino se bojite BOsanskog kongresa, jer mi
govorimo istinu o svim izdajnicima, bvez obzira na stranacku ili nacionalnu
pripadnost. Da imate i malo mozga znali biste da komunisticki metodi
zabrana javen rijeci ne pale i da time samo jacate nes ugled.
Pozdravite vese komunisticke sefove i znajte da su oni sada na meti
Bosanskih patriota zbog svoje izdaje isto kao sto je Alija bio zbog njegove
izdaje Socijalisticke Republike Bosne i Hercegovine.
Pomoz bog junace Jugo.
Dr. Muhamed Borogovac.
1. Pismo Republikanskom NOmenee-u koji se ponudio da lobira za Bosnu i
Pozivamo sve bosanske patriote da salju faxove, emaile i da telefoniraju
ciji brojevi telefona, faxova i emaila se nalaze u slijedecoj poruci. Oni
su duzni da zastupaju interes naroda BiH i mi ih moramo prisiliti da odbace
izborni zakon kojim se definitivno dijeli Bosna i Hercegovina.
Slijedi pismo na Engleskom u kojem cete naci pomenute adrese i telefone.
Sve one Bosanske patriote koji su na ovoj listi u inostranstvu pozivamo da
sve poruke BOsanskog kongresa distribuiraju svojim prijateljima i
poznanicima u BOsnu i Hrecgovinu da bismo onemogucili izdajnike da nes
I am sending you the following phone and fax numbers and emails of the
important people in Bosnia:
High commissioner for Bosnia
Wolfgang Petritsch: Email:
Leader of the Social Democratic Party and Foreign Minister
Prof. Zlatko Lagumdjija: Phone: 011-387-33-664-044, Speaks English
President of the Parliament:
Prof. Sead Avdic: Phone and Fax: 011-387-33-203-254
One of the leaders of the Social Democratic Party:
Prof Ivo Komsic: Phone: 011-387-33-441-768 Fax: 011-387-33-207-912
Leader of the Liberal Party
Rasim Kadic: emails: epotogij@utic.net.ba, tarik@liberali.ba
Phone: 011-387-33-664-540
The following is email address of the most important friend of Bonsia, a
lawer who pro bono represent Bosnian victims of Genocide in the Court for
war criminals in the Hague.
Prof. Francis A. Boyle: fboyle@law.uiuc.edu
As soon as you send me your article I will distribute it on all our mailing
lists, includin the one on Bosnian language wit the link to you page.
I am resending you the article "URGENT ACTION NEEDED TO SAVE
Dayton - a Dangerous Precedent
The price for "peace in Bosnia" brokered by Clinton administration before
the 1996 elections was too high. Against the principles of the
INTERNATIONAL LAW, one member of the UN, a victim of aggression, The
Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, has been divided into two statelets. One
of the statelets "Serbian
Republic" has been created on the 49% of the Bosnian territory, ethnically
cleansed by Serbs during the aggression. It meant that Milosevic's Serbia
was rewarded for aggression, genocide and ethnic cleansing, instead of
being punished. That was a very dangerous precedent in the International
law. The Bosnian people pay the heaviest price.
Crucial shortcomings of Dayton
Let us introduce some of the shortcomings of Dayton.
1. The Dayton Constitution discontinued legal Constitution of The Republic
of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Dayton change of the Bosnian constitution was
not done by legal means and procedures proscribed in the Bosnian
constitution. The Bosnian constitution could be legally changed only if
Bosnian people voted for
it, after a free discussions about the change. Instead, the Dayton
Constitution was brought far away from Bosnia, in the Dayton military base,
"behind the back of the people, because it is against the people", as
Bosnians often say.
Dayton constitution signed by Bosnian neighbors and aggressors, and it
divides a member of UN under the pressure of aggression and genocide. As
such Dayton accord is not valid according to the Vienna convention about
international treaties from 1969, article 53, even though it was signed by
President Izetbegovic.
2. The legal representative of Bosnian Croats Kresimir Zubak did not sign
the Dayton agreement, and Croats are one of the ethnic groups that
constitute Bosnia.
In addition to that, Dayton is dysfunctional. The political model created
in Dayton does not exist anywhere in the world, and it does not function at
all in Bosnia.
Why? Shortly, Dayton Bosnia is divided in two statelets "Serbian Republic"
and so called "Federation of Bosniaks and Croats", which is further divided
into 10 ethnic "cantons" with enormous administration. Every entity, has a
veto power that makes decision making impassable. That keeps Bosnia
paralyzed in both
economic and legal systems, even now 5 years after Dayton was signed.
The only legal way to implement the Dayton Constitution, and to abolish the
previous Constitution of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, is to adopt
the new laws in the Bosnian Parliaments. However, when representatives of the
Bosnian parliament learned what those legislation really mean - a reward
for greater Serbia project by legalizing their state on the half of Bosnia
"ethnically cleansed" from Croats and Bosniaks - they refused to adopt
those laws. This initiated a series of actions of the American Ambassador
in Bosnia Mr. Miller and other "High representatives" of the UN in
Bosnia-Herzegovina. Mr. Miller, Mr. Berry, Mr. Petritsch, Mr. Klein
initiated total informative blockade of the Bosnian patriots. The main tool
of the blockade was
International Media Commission (IMC) that shout down all independent media.
Bosniaks and Croats did not live under such informative blockade even
during communism. Mr. Miller, Berry, Petritsch, and Klein are helping
corrupt politicians to gain power in order to achieve absolute control over
the Bosniaks and Croats and to adopt all necessary laws that will legalize
the division of the country, i.e. that will legalize the Serbian Republic
within Bosnia. The "High Representatives" became the evil force, the worst
enemy of the justice, absolutely sided with Serbs.
Right now these "High representatives" are trying to force Bosniaks and
Croats to adopt the new election law. Adopting the new election laws by
which Bosnia-Herzegovina is being divided into two separate electoral units
in fact legalizes apartheid and finalizes the permanent division of
Bosnia-Herzegovina will forever lose any possibility of future
reintegration and unification, and it will be turned into a region of
permanent disputes, controversies and conflicts.
Bosnian people refused this law during the Public discussion about the law
last year. Bosnian politicians refused as well last year to adopt the law
by their free will. However, this year they caved under the unfair pressure
of the American Ambassador Mr. T. Miller. He is in hurry to inforce the law
before the new Bush administration takes a better look at American policy
in Bosnia.
Bosnian Congress is calling on all citizens and friends of
Bosnia-Herzegovina to do all in their power to prevent the enactment of
this flawed, and for Bosnia-Herzegovina fatal law. Please call and assert
pressure on "High representatives" i.e. Mr. Miller, Mr. Petritsch, Mr.
Klein, and Berry, as well as on members of the Bosnia-Herzegovina
Parliament and urge them to strongly oppose any changes in the current
election law.
For Bosnian Congress USA
Prof. Vahid Sendijarevic, 313-993-2162 morning, 248-828-3193 evening
Bosnian Congress USA
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