Saturday, November 10, 2007

Online glasnik: BiH kao Sjeverna Irska

Subject :
Online glasnik: BiH kao Sjeverna Irska

Date :
Sat, 19 Oct 2002 00:34:15 -0400

18. oktobar 2002.




Ovom prilikom samo bih zelio da reagujem na pismo o tzv. najvecem umu
bosnjackog naroda gosp. Harisu Silajdzicu. U potpunosti se slazem sa
komentarom Dr. Borogovca o aktivnostima Silajdziceve stranke u protekle
dvije godine. Osim aktivnosti na vanjskom planu tj. aktivnosti gospodje Azre
Hadziahmetovic ova stranka nije donijela nista pozitivno nasoj zemlji po
pitanju unutrasnje politike, a najmanje Bosnjacima koji jedini daju glasove
ovoj licemjernoj politickoj stranci. A morao bi gospodin "struja A" znati da
je Evropa (u koju su nas nespremne vodili SZBiH i SDP) mala bara sa puno
ajkula. Mnogo bi bolje bilo za Bosnjake da je SZBiH drugacije reagovala kod
donosenja "krovnih zakona" i da nije isla ispod istog minimuma (jednakosti)
za sve strane.
Jer mir smo dobili Deytonom, pa ne moramo ga sada i odrzavati
daljnjim popustanjima. Jer danas se stvarno vise nikakvog rata ne trebamo
bojati. Ne u smisli ako do njega dodje, nego u smislu, da do njega ne moze
doci. Pa kada je to tako, i kada nas vise niko nece napasti zasto se bojimo
tih silnika i njihovih zastrasivanja.

Gosp. "Struja A" zna da najveci um naseg naroda u protekle dvije godine nije
vidjen niti jednom na bilo kojoj TV kuci u BiH, ili ja ne gledam televiziju.
Njegovi navodi da je putovao po svijetu i donosio investicije su skroz
netacni. I ako jeste to radio nije nista uradio, jer su i investicije za BH
(Zeljezaru Zenica) i UNIS (Poslovni Centar u Sarajevu) realizovane u toku
mandate stare (nove) vlade, a ne u toku mandata koalicije SDP-SZBiH, i nisu
date gosp. Silajdzicu ili nekoj njegovoj privatnoj firmi, nego drzavi BiH
(citaj Bosnjacima). I nemojte zaboraviti da su to investicije iz Islamske
drzave Kuvajt, a ne investicije iz Francuske, Briatnije, Njemacke ili bilo
koje druge zapadnoevropske zemlje u koje su protekle dvije godine upirali
prstom gospoda iz SDP-a i SZBiH kao u socijaldemokratski uredjene
prijateljske zemlje, sa spremnim kapitalom za nasu zemlju, i kao primjer
zivljenja i put kojim Bosna treba ici. (Sirovinski bogate Evropske zemlje kao
Norveska npr. nemaju niti na kraj pameti primiti Euro ili uci u EU). A kome
i zasto su date gore navedene pare najbolje govori prijetnja gosp. Sataria
(Kuvajtski investicioni fond) o prodaji polovine kapitala u BH Steel-u i
napustanju projekta od prije dva mjeseca, te cinjenica da na svojim okruglim
stolovima isti gospodin ne zeli da cuje ime gosp. Hamdije Kulovica
(doskoranjeg podpredsjednika SZBiH i dugogodisnjeg direktora
BHSteel-Zeljezara Zenica, cija su djeca zavrsili skole i zaposlili se u USA
i Austriji, dok su ljudi u istoj firmi primali mjesecnu platu od $100.00 do
$150.00. Ja licno ne mogu se boriti za buducnost ove zemlje istom
jacinom, kada su mi u toj borbi moja djeca uz mene, i kada su na sigurnom u
USA). O finansiranju predizborne kampanje SZBiH prije izbora 1998 i 2000
godine od strane BHSteel-a i PC UNIS neboderi mnogo vise moci ce vam reci
ljudi koji sada vode te dvije kompanije. Gospodin "sruja A" je morao prije
svoga pisma otici do Zenice i popricati sa prvim prolaznikom i upitati ga za
njegovo finansijsko stanje, te za cinjenicu o silnim investicijama u ovome
gradu i zasto je SZBiH na subtnjim izborima dobila svega 15% glasova, a SDA
cak 38% u samom gradu. Pa tako saznati gdje i kako su potrosene navedene
investicije i cijom krivicom. A moralo bi mu biti jasno da investicija sama
po sebi ne znaci nista, ako iza nje nema dobiti, a od ovih u Zenici dobit se
ocekuje tek nakon pustanja u pogon elektropeci za 18 mjeseci, prve u BiH,
negirane od rukovodstva SZBiH. Jer kupovinom iste narusavao se neciji
koncepte Bosne kao zemlje poljoprivrednika i prozvodnje zdrave (citaj zdrave
i jeftine) hrane za Evropsku gospodu.

Selami svima,

Emir B.


Oktobra 10, je magazin International Herrald Tribune izdao zanimljiv clanak,
pod naslovom "Time to concede defeat in Bosnia-Herzegovina", a kontest tog
clanka je u najmanju ruku uvredljiv za svakog Bosanskog patriotu. Ja sam
uzeo slobodu da u ime Bosanaca napisem pismo protesta tom magazinu i ovdje je
kopija tog pisma. Prvo, clanak iz IHT:

Time to concede defeat in Bosnia-Herzegovina
The Dayton accords
By William Pfaff (IHT)
Thursday, October 10, 2002
PARIS: The electoral victory of nationalists last Saturday in
Bosnia-Herzegovina suggests that it is time for the international community
to make a serious re-examination of what is happening in that country, and of
what eventual outcomes can reasonably be expected.The Republic of
Bosnia-Herzegovina is an artificial state improvised at the Dayton
negotiations of 1995. It was imposed on the people of that unhappy country
under American and NATO pressures, to stop interethnic slaughter.
Three years of ghastly fratricidal war had followed Bosnia-Herzegovina's
declaration of independence in April 1992, following a referendum boycotted
by the Serbs of Bosnia. This was a new step in the dismantlement of
Yugoslavia, inspired by Slobodan Milosevic's program to create a "Greater
Serbia" at the expense of Croatia and Bosnia.Fighting immediately broke out,
mainly instigated by the Serbian and Croatian communities bent on creating
ethnically "pure" territories, with a view to union, respectively, with
Serbia and with a newly independent Croatia.The Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina
were the group that suffered most, but a major purpose of the attack was also
to destroy cosmopolitan Sarajevo, a multiethnic city that was a center of
liberal and tolerant political and cultural values.
The siege of Sarajevo, and the ethnic cleansing that took place during the
Serbian attempt to gain domination of the city and its region, provided the
most appalling violence Europe had experienced since World War II.The
European nations' irresolution and impotence in the face of this crisis
seemed a frightening augury concerning the future of the European Union. The
doubts then inspired about "Europe" have yet to be entirely dissipated.When
the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization eventually
intervened, in the summer of 1995, all of the parties were convoked to the
U.S. Air Force base at Dayton, Ohio, where, sequestered, and under intense
pressures, they were made to accept unwanted compromises.Bosnia-Herzegovina
was divided into a Serbian republic composed of 49 percent of its territory,
with an uneasy Croatian-Muslim Federation occupying 51 percent.
A central government with members from the three groups was established, with
modest responsibilities under UN and subsequent NATO supervision. That
supervision was politically timid and failed to pursue war criminals or give
energetic support to reform.Despite billions in international aid, the new
state has not been a success. Living standards are low, the economy feeble,
the unemployment level 60 percent. This has accelerated emigration of the
young, mobile and talented. The country is being drained of its future.
Last Saturday's elections for the multiethnic presidency, the legislature and
the cantonal governments, were the first organized by the Bosnian authorities
themselves since the war ended. With a low electoral turnout (55 percent),
and final results yet to be announced, the three individuals apparently
elected to the collegial presidency all represent the nationalist parties. A
similar outcome seems apparent in the other votes.
Compromises and coalitions will be necessary before the final complexion of
the government becomes clear, but liberal, secular and multiethnic forces
have lost. It now seems necessary for the international community to admit
that the Dayton solution was not a solution. It was a way to end a war. It
did not provide the foundation for a modern state. It did not offer a
structure conducive to national reconciliation. It may be that the
constructive response now is simply to concede the failure, to concede to the
nationalists what the international community was mobilized to deny them.
Accepting the fact that Bosnia-Herzegovina has, for practical purposes,
already been ethnically cleansed, and accepting the consequences, now may be
the only way to terminate this part of the problem of Yugoslav
succession.This would mean the Republika Srpska's union with Serbia; union of
the Croatian territories of the Croat-Muslim Federation with Croatia; and the
Muslim territories made into a new state centered on Sarajevo, possibly as an
internationalized city-state, with guarantees, possibly as an independent
republic.The Serbian and Croatian nationalists would be politically disarmed,
and would disappear into the larger communities to which they fought to
belong - societies that now have been through the transition to democracy or
are well on that road.
Nationalist and integrist forces inside the new Muslim identity would
survive, part of a community dominated by traditionally cosmopolitan
Sarajevo. On the other hand, Muslim integrist forces in Albania and Kosovo
might be strengthened and given new ambitions.This certainly is not a
solution the international community has wanted, nor the surviving liberal
forces inside today's Bosnia-Herzegovina. It amounts to a defeat for those
forces.But the defeat is to a political artifice with a dim future.
Democratic values may better prosper if Bosnia-Herzegovina is partitioned
once again. Realism demands that this be discussed.

Moje Pismo IHT-u:

To the Editor of the International Herrald Tribune,

In your recent article, named "Time to concede defeat in Bosnia-Herzegovina",
the author, William Pfaff wrote about the need to split the R
Bosnia-Herzegovina in three parts, because, as he said this "artificial
country" has no future. When I , and thousand of Bosnians around the world,
heard about this article through different channels, and read it, I was
outrageous by its contents. First of, just to remind you, sir, that RBIH is
not an artificial state as you wrote, RBIH exists for over thousand years,
and existed before the new continents were even discovered.

Second, RBIH was scene of the crime, unknown to humanity since the WWII and
Nazi Germany killings of innocent Jewish people. The only difference between
these two crimes is that at that time world community couldn't do much about
it, in RBIH, however the world community reacted too little too late.
However by Dayton Peace Agreement, RBIH and its people were saved from
suffering more and given independent state. The UN failed to arrest some of
the biggest war criminals even tough there is evidence that they could have
done it. That is crucial part for bright Bosnian future - arrest people
responsible for Genocide. That is the reason why the nationally-oriented
parties won the elections, not because RBIH has no future, but simply because
the war criminals who are still free, still do their job from behind, and
push Serbs from Bosnia to vote the way they did. Bosnian Muslim and Croat
voting was just a product of fear that war criminals from Serb side will
start the same pattern that was stopped in 1995, and Muslim and Croat votes
were given to nationally-oriented parties just for the reason that people
felt more nationally protected by them. Once the UN does its job and arrest
all of the Serb war criminals, the main problem in RBIH will be solved.

Third, the War Crimes Tribunal in Hague, is working on proving the crimes
committed during the war in RBIH. Many of Serb war criminals were already
sent to prison. Just recently one of the biggest war criminals, Biljana
Plavsic, admitted all the crimes, admitted that there was the genocide, and
that it was planned from Yugoslavia. Her confession might be meaningless for
you, but for RBIH means a great step forward. It means that creating of Serb
Republic in Bosnia was based on Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing, and even tough
everyone knew that even before, now it is documented. It means that legal
Government of RBIH and OHR can now work on changing parts of the Dayton Peace
Agreement , and even ask for removal of borders of the Serb Republic and
finally having unified territory of RBIH, because the Serb Republic was
created on basis ethnic cleansing and genocide. No one in the world can
disagree with that.

Its unbelievable and hurtful that an International Magazine writes things
like these. Basically what was said in this article is that the war
criminals from Serbia did their job, and now its time for the World to accept
the tally of that ethnic cleansing. Your magazine is helping the war
criminals and fascists and now they can say that their bloody work is finally
paying off, because the international newspapers are starting to write the
same ideas that they had in 1992.

Just to remind you, sir, there was 250,000 Bosnians killed in the war, 10,000
children was killed only in the capital of Sarajevo. And now you say that
the world should allow creation of state that is based on those crimes?? Its
disgraceful, shameful, shocking and even offensive to me and to every normal
human on this planet.

I don't expect you to write back, I don't expect to publish a response like
this, however I expect you to read, and think, if your country was attacked
by someone, and 10% of your people were killed, slayed and raped, and
forcefully moved from one part of country to other, and when finally world
said "enough", someone writes that acquisition of territories based on that
crime should be final.

Even tough the justice is slow, and there was 7 years since end of the war in
Bosnia, the justice will come for everyone, and the things you write, are no
less the crime than the genocide done by Serb war criminals, it has the same
basis, division of multiethnic RBIH on national basis. It will only bring
more crimes, more killings.


Admir Jahic, NYC


U svakom slucaju dobro je da je makar neko odgvorio "Herald Tribunu",
mada oni vjerovatno nece objaviti taj odgovor. Dobra stvar u svemu tome
je sto je iz pisanja "Herald Tribuna" jasno da cak i stranci, koji su hiljade
kilometara daleko od Bosne i Hercegovine, znaju da Dayton nije uspio i
da ga treba mijenjati. Zato podsjetimo na poznatu cinjenicu iz prava, da
kada ne uspije neki sporazum, onda se sve vraca na predhodno pravno
stanje. (Princip Quo Ante.) Upravo ovih dana se dogodilo da je
suspendovana autonomija Sjeverne Irske, jer je zakljuceno da "Good
Friday Acord", mirovni sporazum kojim je uvedena autonomija u Sjevernoj
Irskoj, nije uspio. Dakle, niko nije pomislio da Sjevernim Ircima treba dati
nezavisnost, zato sto mirovni sporazum nije do kraja proveden u djelo,
nego upravo suprotno, ukinuta je autonomija i sve je vraceno je predhodno
pravno stanje. To je u stvari jedino ispravno i zakonito rjesenje i za Bosnu i
Hercegovinu. Dakle, trazimo da se stvari vrate na predhodno pravno stanje
to jest da se ukine Republika Srpska, i da se vrati gradjanski ustav Republike
Bosne i Hercegovine, koji je u Daytonu suspendovan dok se ne provede u
djelo Daytonski sporazum. Buduci da Dayton nije proveden u djelo, po
zakonu bi bilo ispravno da se vrati Ustav Republike BiH, odgovaralo to
cetnicima ili ne. Isto kao sto niko ne pita Shin Fen da li se slaze sa
ukidanjem autonomije Sjverne Irske, tako ne treba pitati ni cetnicke
stranke kada su u pitanju stvari od presudna vaznosti za opstanak Bosne
i Hercegovine. Jedna od stvari od presudnog znacaja za opstanak BiH
je i Tuzba BiH za genocid. Ta tuzba je jos jedan jak adut za ukidanje
genocidne tvorevine Republike Srpske.

Ta Tuzba je jedan od najboljih testova pomocu kojih Bosnjaci mogu
identifikovati svoje izdajnike. Kada vidite da neko trazi od Srba da
daju saglasnost za Tuzbu, znajte da je izdajnik, i da im doticni time
samo daje mogucnost da negiraju tj. da ukidaju Tuzbu.

Da se uvjerimo koliko je tacno da je Tuzba test za izdajnike, sjetimo
se Izetebgovica, Trnke, Lagumdjije, Sacirbegovica itd. Svaki od njih
je napravio veliki korak u pogresnom pravcu, te sada Tuzba visi o
koncu. Vidjecemo, da li ce Tihic nastaviti njihovo djelo, ili ce uciniti
onako kako je obecavao u prdizbornoj kampanji, kada se je
zaklinjao u Tuzbu.

Sada je sve u rukama novih bosnjackih predstavnika u vlasti. Ako
oni insitiraju na internacionalnom zakonu onda ce Bosna i Hercegovina
postojati. Ako je i Tihic izdajnik, kao i Izetbegovic, Silajdjic, Lagumdjija,
Trnaka itd, onda ce se oni mimo internacionanog zakona, koji
im daje za pravo da sacuvaju doimovinu, nastaviti dijeliti Bosnu i

Dr. Muhamed Borogovac


Postovani clanovi mailing lista Bosanskog kongresa,

stigao mi je haber iz Australije da tamosnja nasa Ambasada ne trazi
vise ni garantna pisma niti izdaje vize za Bosance koji imaju
australijsko drzavljanstvo, a koji putuju u Bosnu. Mislim da je i BK
doprinio tome, pa sam radostan da smo u tome zajedno sudjelovali
na pravi, djelotvoran nacin. Pa i neka nije nasa zasluga, da su vize
ukinute, najvaznije je da se dogodilo - a dogodilo se!

Ibrahim Halilovic


Na toj web stranci u clanku pod naslovom MOJ KOLEGA, TI MRTVE NE BROJI,
FAZLAGICA KULA JOS VISOKO STOJI ! mozete naci licnu ispovjest Svena
Rustempasica, inzenjera iz Sarajeva koji se cesto javljao na ovim stranizama.
"Online glasnik Bosankog kongresa" je nije objavio da se ne bi stekao pogresan
utisak da stojimo iza stavova i vidjenja iz te ispovjesti. Naime, "Online
Bosnakog kongresa" nije neka neutralna novina, nego najcesce podrzavamo
stavove koje objavljujemo. Zbog toga ne objavljujemo stavove koji bi mogli
dovesti u pitanje nas kredibilitet. Buduci da su neki nasi citaoci trazili da se
Rustempasiceva ispovjest objavi, jer je ta ispovijest "veoma interesantna", ovim
putem vas obavijestavamo gdje je mozete naci.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Bosanski kongres

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