3.2. Informacije o "House" Verziji:
5. Savjet ministara Srbije i Crne Gore priznao krivicu SiCG za genocid
Ako ne želite da primate naše poruke samo pošaljite Reply na bilo koju našu poruku u KOJEM ĆETE TO IZJAVITI i odmah ćete biti izbrisani iz našega adresara.
Patriotske lige 22, SARAJEVO;
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Congressman Christopher Smith Senator Gordon Smith
U.S. House of Representatives U.S. Senate
Fax No. (202) 255-7768 Fax No. (202) 228-3997
Tel. No. (202) 225-3765
Tel. No.
(202) 224-3753
Dear Congressman Christopher Smith and Senator Gordon Smith,
Association of Mothers of Srebrenica and Podrinje write to thank you for sponsoring S.RES 134 in the Senate and H.RES 199 in the House to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Srebrenica Massacre and for the continuous support of the American people for the independence and territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the rights of all people living in Bosnia and Herzegovina regardless of their ethnicity and religion.
These resolutions have global impact, beyond Srebrenica, on the rule of law and freedom in the world. As such, it is important that the resolutions clearly condemn Serbia and Montenegro as the aggressors and principal organizers, initiators, and perpetrators of the war crimes and the genocide committed against the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, we appeal that the resolutions include stronger language indicating the responsibility of Serbia and Montenegro for their aggression and role in the war crimes and the acts of genocide against the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The involvement of Serbia and Montenegro as aggressors and perpetrators of the war crimes and genocide against the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina are well documented in proceedings of the lawsuit of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina against Serbia and Montenegro at the International Court of Justice in The Hague and the proceedings at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague. As recently as the first week of June 2005, TV stations in Serbia and Montenegro and all over the world, showed video footage of members of the Serbian State Security Forces executing citizens of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Srebrenica. The footage is evidence in the trial of the former president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) - Slobodan Milošević. On June 16, 2005, the Council of Ministers of Serbia and Montenegro issued a statement blaming the regime of former president Slobodan Milošević, now on trial before the Hague Tribunal for War Crimes in Former Yugoslavia, for the massacre in Srebrenica. With this statement, the Council of Ministers of Serbia and Montenegro admitted the responsibility of their nation for war crimes committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina; regardless of regime changes, the responsibility for war crimes committed remains with the nation - just as the Federal Republic of Germany was responsible for the crimes committed by the Nazi regime during the World War II and had to pay reparations to the victims of their aggression and the victims of the Holocaust.
Before their aggression on the sovereign Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro (rump of former Yugoslavia), were also aggressors in the war against the Republic of Slovenia in 1990 and the Republic of Croatia in 1991. The wars in these three countries were not initiated by ethnic Serbs, as there were no “Slovenian Serbs” in Slovenia, nonetheless there was still a war between “Serbs” and “Slovenians.” Therefore, without the same aggression by Serbia and Montenegro that took place in Slovenia and Croatia, there would have been no war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The United Nations Security Council Resolutions 752 and 757 from 1992 clearly stated that the rump Yugoslavia (which was constituted of Serbia and Montenegro), was the aggressor in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was based on these resolutions that the U.S. introduced economic sanctions against Serbia and Montenegro.
It should also be recognized that the “Serb Republic” was created on the territory of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina as the result of the aggression, ethnic cleansing, and genocide initiated, perpetrated, and supported by Serbia and Montenegro, against the Articles of the Geneva Conventions and international laws that prevent changes of borders and changes of constitutions of sovereign nations as the result of aggression. For these reasons, the U.S. should not support provisions of the Dayton agreement that facilitate the territorial division of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the creation of the “Serb Republic.” For the reasons just stated above, the U.S. and the Free World dissolved the Third Reich and the states that the Nazis created in occupied Europe. Therefore, we appeal that the resolutions include a request for the dissolution of the “Serb Republic” and the return of the legitimate constitution of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina which was in place before the aggression.
It is deplorable that Srebrenica is within the borders of the “Serb Republic,” which was created as a result of the very genocide committed in Srebrenica. It is important to note that the United Nations Security Council Resolution 819 on April 16, 1993 that established the UN Safe Area in Srebrenica and Zepa is still binding and has never been abandoned. Therefore, in current resolutions we appeal that the U.S. supports Srebrenica victims by stating that Srebrenica should be placed under UN authority until the “Serb Republic” is dissolved and the legitimate prewar constitution of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina is reinstated.
Again, we would like to commend the U.S. Congress for their efforts to sponsor H.RES 199 and S.RES 134 to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Srebrenica Massacre.
Zineta Mujic s.r. Ibran Mustafic s.r.
President President of the Executive Board
Mothers of Srebrenica and Podrinje Mothers of Srebrenica and Podrinje
(033) 432-970 (061) 170-803
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina June 20, 2005
Kontaktiraj kongresmena iz tvoga izbornog distrikta e-mailom ili faxom i traži od njega da bude Co-sponsor of “House Resolution No. 199”. i da predloži izmjene sugerisane od strane "Majki Srebrenice i Podrinja.
Kontaktiraj Senatora iz svoje države i traži od njega da podrži "Senate Resolution 134"
Na slijedećoj web stranici, upisivanjem svog ZIP coda (poštanskog broja) od prvih 5 cifara, jednostavno možeš saznati ime svog kongresmena i njegove kontakt informacije:
Kada ste na toj stranci, lako ćete doći do njegove web stranice. Kliknute na "Contact". Tada ćete dobiti mogućnost da mu pošaljete poruku. U Prozor poruke samo prekopirajte i gornju poruku na Engleskom Majki srebrenice i pošaljite.
Nekima će program na gornjm linku tražiti i i posljednje 4 cifre Zip coda. (Poštanskog broja). U tom slučaju kliknite na link "US Postal Service" koji će tu biti, i na kojme ćete upisivanjem svoje adrese saznati i dodatne četiri cifre svoga Zip coda. Tada ćete, upisivanjem svih 5+4 cifara Zip coda biti u stanju da dođete do web stranice svoga kongresmena i da mu pošaljete kopiranu poruku na Engleskom "Majki rebrenice i Podrinja".
Upoznajemo vas da su "Majke Srebrenice i Podrinja" već poslale svoje originalno pismo, podnosiocima Rezolucije, ali je važno da akcija bude što masovnija.
Congresmen Christopher Smith Senator Gordon Smith
U.S. House of Representatives U.S. Senate
Fax No. (202) 225-7768 Fax No. (202) 228-3997
Tel. No. (202) 225-3765
Tel. No.
(202) 224-3753
Poštovana gospodo, kongresmen Christopher Smith i senator Gordon Smith,
Udruženje gradjana “Majke Srebrenice i Podrinja” se zahvaljuje za pokretanje Rezolucije Senata br. 134, i Rezolucije Predstavničkog doma Kongresa Sjedinjenih Američkih država br. 199 kojom se obilježava 10 godina od masakra u Srebrenici. Zahvaljujemo se za kontinuiranu podršku američkog naroda nezavisnosti i teritorijalnom integritetu Bosne i Hercegovine, kao i za podršku pravima svih ljudi koji žive u Bosni i Hercegovini nezavisno od njihove etničke pripadnosti i religije.
Osim za Srebrenicu ove rezolucije će imati i uticaj na poštovanje zakona i sloboda u cijelom svijetu. Zato je vašno da Rezolucije jasno osude Srbiju i Crnu Goru kao agresore i organizatore, inicijatore i izvršitelje ratnih zločina i genocida protiv naroda Bosne i Hercegovine. Zato mi tražimo da Rezolucije uključe izričite zaključke o odgovornosti Srbije i Crne Gore za agresiju i ratne zločine i počinjena djela genocida protiv naroda Bosne i Hercegovine.
Učešće Srbije i Crne Gore kao agresora i izvršilaca ratnih zločina i genocida protiv naroda Bosne i Hercegovine je veoma dobro dokumentovano na Internacionalnom sudu pravde u Hagu na dosadašnjim ročištima povodom Tužbe Republike Bosne i Hrcegovine protiv Srbije i Crne Gore, kao i na suđenjima na Internacionalnom tribunalu za ratne zločince na području bivše Jugoslavije u Hagu. Nedavno, početkom juna 2005. TV stanice Srbije i Crne gore, kao i cijeloga svijeta prikazale su video snimak na kojem regularne vojne jedinice Srbije i Crne Gore ubijaju građane Republike Bosne i Hercegovine u Srebrenici. Taj video snimak je jedan od dokaza na suđenju bivšem predsjdniku Jugoslavije (današnje Srbije i Crne Gore) Slobodanu Miloševiću. Nedavno, 16. juna 2005. Savjet ministara Srbije i Crne Gore je izdao saopštenje u kojem krivi režim Slobodana Miloševića za masakre u Srebrenici. Ovom izjavom je Savjet ministara Srbije i Crne Gore priznao odgovornost njihove drzave za ratne zločine pocinjene u Bosni i Hercegovini. Bez obzira na promjene rezima, odgovornost za pocinjene zločine ostaje na drzavi, isto kao što je Njemacka bila odgovorna za zločine pocinjene pod rukovodstvom Nacistickog rezima za vrijeme Drugog svetskog rata te je zato Savezna Republika Njemacka morala placati reparacije zrtvama agresije i zrtvama holokausta.
Prije agresije na suverenu Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu, Srbija i Crna Gora (ostatak bivse Jugoslavije) , je pocinila agresiju takodjer protiv republike Slovenije 1990. godine i protiv Republike Hrvatske 1991. godine. Ratovi u ove tri republike nisu bili incirani od strane etnickih Srba u njima, a ni ne postoje “Slovenački Srbi”, a ipak se vodio rat izmedu “Srba” i “Slovenaca”. Dakle, bez agresije iz Srbije i Crne Gore ne bi ni bilo rata u Bosni i Hercegovini. Savjet sigurnosti Ujedinjenih nacija je u svojim rezolucijama br. 752 i 757 iz 1992. godine jasno proglasio Srbiju i Crnu goru agresorima u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ovim rezolucijama su uvedene i ekonomske sankcije protiv Srbije i Crne Gore, kao kazna za agresiju.
Trebamo također znati da je “Republika Srpska” kreirana na teritoriji Republike Bosne i Hercegovine kao rezultat agresije, etničkog čišćenja i genocida koji je inciran, izvršavan i podržavan od strane Srbije i Crne Gore suprotno povelji Ujedinjenih nacija i Genevskim konvencijama, internacionalnim zakonima koji zabranjuju promjene granica i Ustava suverenih država kao rezultata agresije. Zbog tih razloga Sjedinjene Američke države ne bi trebale podržavati odrednice Dejtonskog sporazuma koji uspostavlja teritorijalnu podjelu Bosne i Hercegovine i stvaranje “Republike srpske”. Sjedinjene Američke države i slobodni svijet su zato rasformirali Treći Reich i države koje su nacisti stvorili u okupiranoj Evropi. Zato tražimo da rezolucija uključi i zahtjev za rasfomiranjem “Republike srpske” i povratak legitimnog ustava Republike Bosne i Hercegovine koji je bio na snazi prije agresije.
Zaista je neprihvatljivo da je Srebrenica sada u granicama “Republike srpske” koja je rezultat upravo genocida počinjenog u Srebrenici. Važno je da konstatujemo da je još uvijek na snazi rezolucija Savjeta sigurnosti UN broj 819 od 16 aprila 1993. godine kojom se uspostavljaju UN sigurnosne zone Srebrenica i Žepa i da ta rezolucija nikada nije bila promjenjena u Savjetu sigurnosti UN. Zato tražimo da vašim rezolucijama Sjedinjene americke države podrže žrtve iz Srebrenice zahtijevajući da Srebrenica bude vraćena pod upravu Ujedinjenih nacija dok se “Republika srpska” ne rasformira i dok se ponovo ne uspostavi legitimni ustav Republike Bosne i Hercegovine.
Zineta Mujić Ibran Mustafić
Predsjednik Predsjednik izvršnog odbora
Majke Srebrenice i Podrinja Majke Srebrenice i Podrinja
(033) 432-970 (061) 170-803
Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, 20 juni 2005. godine
Informacije o Rezoluciji kongresa USA, koja će se naći pred Senatom, uključujući i kompletan tekst Rezolucije, možete naći na sljedećem linku:
S. Res. 134: A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the massacre at Srebrenica in July 1995
Status: Introduced (By Sen. Gordon Smith [R-OR])
Introduced: May 8, 2005
Last Action: May 8, 2005: Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. (text of measure as introduced: CR S4651-4652)
Sponsor: Sen. Gordon Smith [R-OR]
Cosponsors: show all 1
Sen. Joseph Biden [D-DE]
COSPONSORS(6), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]: (Sort: by date)
Sen Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [DE] - 5/9/2005 Sen Brownback, Sam [KS] - 6/8/2005
Sen Hatch, Orrin G. [UT] - 6/8/2005 Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [MA] - 6/7/2005
Sen Levin, Carl [MI] - 6/7/2005 Sen Lieberman, Joseph I. [CT] - 6/8/2005
Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the massacre at Srebrenica in July 1995. (Introduced in Senate)
1st Session
S. RES. 134
Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the massacre at Srebrenica in July 1995.
May 9, 2005
Mr. SMITH (for himself and Mr. BIDEN) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations
Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the massacre at Srebrenica in July 1995.
Whereas, in July 1995, thousands of men and boys who had sought safety in the United Nations-designated `safe area' of Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina under the protection of the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) were massacred by Serb forces operating in that country;
Whereas, beginning in April 1992, aggression and ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Bosnian Serb forces, while taking control of the surrounding territory, resulted in a massive influx of Bosniaks seeking protection in Srebrenica and its environs, which the United Nations Security Council designated a `safe area' in Security Council Resolution 819 on April 16, 1993;
Whereas the UNPROFOR presence in Srebrenica consisted of a Dutch peacekeeping battalion, with representatives of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the humanitarian medical aid agency Medecins Sans Frontiers (Doctors Without Borders) helping to provide humanitarian relief to the displaced population living in conditions of massive overcrowding, destitution, and disease;
Whereas Bosnian Serb forces blockaded the enclave early in 1995, depriving the entire population of humanitarian aid and outside communication and contact, and effectively reducing the ability of the Dutch peacekeeping battalion to deter aggression or otherwise respond effectively to a deteriorating situation;
Whereas, beginning on July 6, 1995, Bosnian Serb forces attacked UNPROFOR outposts, seized control of the isolated enclave, held captured Dutch soldiers hostage and, after skirmishes with local defenders, ultimately took control of the town of Srebrenica on July 11, 1995;
Whereas an estimated one-third of the population of Srebrenica, including a relatively small number of soldiers, made a desperate attempt to pass through the lines of Bosnian Serb forces to the relative safety of Bosnian-held territory, but many were killed by patrols and ambushes;
Whereas the remaining population sought protection with the Dutch peacekeeping battalion at its headquarters in the village of Potocari north of Srebrenica but many of these individuals were randomly seized by Bosnian Serb forces to be beaten, raped, or murdered;
Whereas Bosnian Serb forces deported women, children, and the elderly in buses, held Bosniak males over 16 years of age at collection points and sites in northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina under their control, and then summarily murdered and buried the captives in mass graves;
Whereas approximately 20 percent of Srebrenica's total population at the time--at least 7,000 and perhaps thousands more--was murdered;
Whereas the United Nations and its member states have largely acknowledged their failure to take actions and decisions that could have deterred the assault on Srebrenica and prevented the subsequent massacre, including the lengthy report issued by the Government of the Netherlands on April 10, 2002, entitled `Srebrenica, a `safe' area--Reconstruction, background, consequences and analyses of the fall of a safe area';
Whereas Bosnian Serb forces, hoping to conceal evidence of the massacre at Srebrenica, subsequently moved corpses from initial mass grave sites to many secondary sites scattered throughout parts of northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina under their control;
Whereas the massacre at Srebrenica was among the worst of many horrible atrocities to occur in the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina from April 1992 to November 1995, during which the policies of aggression and ethnic cleansing pursued by Bosnian Serb forces with the direct support of authorities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) ultimately led to the displacement of more than 2,000,000 people, an estimated 200,000 killed, tens of thousands raped or otherwise tortured and abused, and the innocent civilians of Sarajevo and other urban centers repeatedly subjected to shelling and sniper attacks;
Whereas Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, done at Paris December 9, 1948, and entered into force January 12, 1951, defines genocide as `any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) killing members of the group; (b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group';
Whereas, on May 25, 1993, the United Nations Security Council adopted Security Council Resolution 827, establishing the world's first international war crimes tribunal, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), based in The Hague, the Netherlands, and charging the ICTY with responsibility for investigating and prosecuting individuals suspected of committing war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity, and grave breaches of the 1949 Geneva Conventions on the territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991;
Whereas numerous members of the Bosnian Serb forces and political leaders at various levels of responsibility have been indicted for grave breaches of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, violations of the laws or customs of war, crimes against humanity, genocide, and complicity in genocide
associated with the massacre at Srebrenica, some of whom have been tried and sentenced while others, including Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, remain at large; and
Whereas the international community, including the United States, has continued to provide personnel and resources, including through direct military intervention, to prevent further aggression and ethnic cleansing, to negotiate and help ensure the full implementation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, initialled at Dayton, Ohio, November 21, 1995, and done at Paris December 14, 1995, including cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate that--
(1) the thousands of innocent people murdered at Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina in July 1995, along with all individuals who were victimized during the conflict and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1992 to 1995, should be solemnly remembered and honored;
(2) the policies of aggression and ethnic cleansing as implemented by Serb forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1992 to 1995 meet the terms defining the crime of genocide in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, done at Paris December 9, 1948, and entered into force January 12, 1951;
(3) foreign nationals, including United States citizens, who have risked, and in some cases lost, their lives in Bosnia and Herzegovina while working toward peace should be solemnly remembered and honored;
(4) the United Nations and its member states should accept their share of responsibility for allowing the Srebrenica massacre and genocide to occur in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1992 to 1995 by failing to take sufficient, decisive, and timely action, and the United Nations and its member states should constantly seek to ensure that this failure is not repeated in future crises and conflicts;
(5) it is in the national interest of the United States that those individuals who are responsible for war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity, and grave breaches of the 1949 Geneva Conventions committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina should be held accountable for their actions;
(6) all persons indicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) should be apprehended and transferred to The Hague without further delay, and all countries should meet their obligations to cooperate fully with the ICTY at all times; and
(7) the United States should continue to support--
(A) the independence and territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
(B) peace and stability in southeastern Europe as a whole; and
(C) the right of all people living in southeastern Europe, regardless of national, racial, ethnic or religious background--
(i) to return to their homes and enjoy the benefits of democratic institutions, the rule of law, and economic opportunity; and
(ii) to know the fate of missing relatives and friends.
3.2. Informacije o "House" Verziji:
Status: Introduced (By Rep. Christopher Smith [R-NJ]) Introduced: Apr 5, 2005
Last Action: Apr 12, 2005: Introductory remarks on measure. (CRE640-641)
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher Smith [R-NJ]
Cosponsors: show all 36
Rep. Gary Ackerman [D-NY]
Rep. John Boozman [R-AR]
Rep. Benjamin Cardin [D-MD]
Rep. Russ Carnahan [D-MO]
Rep. Jo Ann Davis [R-VA]
Rep. Thomas Davis [R-VA]
Rep. Eliot Engel [D-NY]
Rep. Lane Evans [D-IL]
Rep. Jeffrey Fortenberry [R-NE]
Rep. Steny Hoyer [D-MD]
Rep. Eddie Johnson [D-TX]
Rep. Patrick Kennedy [D-RI]
Rep. Mark Kirk [R-IL]
Rep. Tom Lantos [D-CA]
Rep. Zoe Lofgren [D-CA]
Rep. Carolyn Maloney [D-NY]
Rep. Edward Markey [D-MA]
Rep. Betty McCollum [D-MN]
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter [R-MI]
Rep. James McGovern [D-MA]
Rep. Mike McIntyre [D-NC]
Rep. Michael McNulty [D-NY]
Rep. James Moran [D-VA]
Rep. James Oberstar [D-MN]
Rep. John Olver [D-MA]
Rep. Donald Payne [D-NJ]
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher [R-CA]
Rep. Bobby Rush [D-IL]
Rep. Louise Slaughter [D-NY]
Rep. Thomas Tancredo [R-CO]
Rep. Ellen Tauscher [D-CA]
Rep. John Tierney [D-MA]
Rep. Michael Turner [R-OH]
Rep. Diane Watson [D-CA]
Rep. Frank Wolf [R-VA]
Rep. Albert Wynn [D-MD]
Gore su izlistani osnovni podatci. I "House" i "Senate" verzije su još na razmatranju tako da može biti izmjena. Senate verzija je poslana na razmatranje na Komitet vanjskih poslova (foreign relations) na kojem sjedi i Senator George V. Voinovich iz Ohioa. Na njegovom website-u piše da je on lično dobio nagrade od Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve i od drugih Srpskih organizacija. Prvo od imena pozitivaca koje trebamo zapamtiti je Sen. Joseph Biden iz Delawarea, koji se u prošlosti pokazao kao veliki prijatelj Republike Bosne i Hercegovine, i on je ko-sponzor Senatske verzije prijedloga. Glavni sponzor Senatskog prijedloga je Sen. Gordon Smith iz Oregona. U House verziji je glavni sponzor Rep. Cristopher Smith iz New Jerseya, i čak 36 ko-sponzora.
Slijedeći paragraf se nalazi u OBJE verzije:
"Whereas the massacre at Srebrenica was among the worst of many horrible atrocities to occur in the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina from April 1992 to November 1995, during which the policies of aggression and ethnic cleansing pursued by Bosnian Serb forces with the direct support of authorities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) ultimately led to the displace- ment of more than 2,000,000 people, an estimated 200,000 killed, tens of thousands raped or otherwise tortured and abused, and the innocent civilians of Sarajevo and other urban centers repeatedly subjected to shelling and sniper attacks; "
To je jako važna stvar jer se u tome krive Srbija i Crna Gora da su direktno podržavale snage koje su činile genocid, i pominje se šta se dešavalo u cijeloj Bosni i Hercegovini, ne samo Srebrenica. To je sigurno neki iskreni prijatelj Bosne urgirao da se ne izostavi. Ako se usvoji rezolucija u obadvije polovine kongresa kakva jeste, t.j. bez promjene ovog pasusa, sa tim će se zabetonirati zauvijek to kao zvanični stav Amerike prema tome šta se desilo u onom ratu i koga smatra kao krivca. Malo je razočaravajuće to što se te bitne stvari pomenu samo na tom jednom mjestu, i da se svugdje ostalo pominju samo bosanski Srbi i samo masakr u Srebrenici, tako da neko ko čita može lako previdjeti ovaj pasus i dobiti pogrešan utisak.
Na navedenim linkovima se mogu naći i puni tekstovi rezolucija, i može se pratiti šta se dešava sa tim, i svim ostalim rezolucijama u Američkom
B. T.
U posljednje dvije sedmice pažnju BH javnosti okupiraju Rezolucije Kongresa Sjedinjenih Američkih država sa kojima ste se upoznali u prethodnim temama. Dozvolite da samo ukratko sumiramo dobre i loše strane pomenutih rezolucija, koje su identične, pa ćemo gvoriti o jednom tekstu..
Dobre strane Rezolucije su:
1. Veoma važna činjenica je da se uopšte pojavila takva Rezolucija, da svijet nije zaboravio šta se dogodilo u Bosni i Hercegovini ni 10 godina poslije rata, mada naši zvanični predstavnci zajedno sa rukovodstvom RS nastoje da se rat što prije zaboravi i da se "okrenemo budućnosti". I dok Američki kongresmeni i senatori smišljaju kako da donesu neku pravdu Srebrenici i Bosni i Hercegovini, dotle Terzić ide sa Ashdownom u Savjet Evrope da traži da Bosna ovakva kakva je ide u Evropu. To znači da Bosna i Hercegovina sama traži od Evrope da prestane insisitrati na promjeni Dejtona. Nama niko na svijetu ne može pomoći ako mi nećemo tu pomoć, ako se mi mirimo sa rezultatima genocida, sa "Republikom srpskom", da živimo u apartheidu kao građani drugog reda, kao narod bez dostojanstva, jedino roblje u Evropi.
2. Najbolje u Američkoj Rezoluciji je to što se pod tačkom (7A) jasno kaže da će "Sjedinjene Američke države nastaviti da podržavaju nezavisnost i teritorijalni integritet Bosne i Hercegovine" To je potvrda da su SAD sada zajedno sa Evropom kada je u pitanju očuvanje države BiH. Konzistentno sa ovim je ponašanje komandanta NATO-a koji je nedavno poslije epizode sa regrutima RS na Manjači insistirao da se Armija BiH mora transfomisati u jedinstenu armiju, tj. dao do znanja da ne prihvata Ujdurmu četnika i Terzića kojom je izigrana Evropa i napravljena "zajednička armija iz dva dijela" umjesto jedinstvene Armije kako Evropa i svijet traže.
3. Veoma dobra svar je što Rezolucija Kongresa USA jasno govori da je u Bosni i Hercegovini počinjen genocid.
Ovdje primjetimo da je taj dio Rezolucija veoma sličan sa početkom Peticije bosanskih patriota kojom se traži povratak Ustava Republike BiH i koju možete naći na a koju smo mi štampali i distribuirali na više konferencija o Bosni i Hercegovini koje su se održavale prošle godine u Bostonu i okolini.
4. Dobra strana Rezolucije je što su nas napokon prestali zvati sa vjerskim imenom "Bosnian Muslims", nego nes zovu našim pravim imenom na
Engleskom: "Bosniaks".
Nazalost Rezolucija Predstavničkog doma i Senata ima i negativnih strana. Međutim, stiče se utisak da su te negativne strane posljedica veoma uspješne propagande neprijatelja i izdajnika, te nedovoljne informisanosti naših prijatelja u USA o istini kada je riječ o ratu u BiH.
Negativne strane rezolucije:
1. Kao autentična strana u ratu i genocidu navode se "bosanski Srbi", a Srbija samo kao njihov pomagač u genocidu. Time se agresija pretvara u građanski rat. Istina je da je Srbija glavni počinitelj agresije i genocida. Regularna Armija Srbije je planirala i izvršila agresiju, prvo na Sloveniju (gdje nije ni bilo Srba), pa na Hrvatsku, pa na BiH, pa na Kosovo (gdje također gotovo da i nema Srba). JNA je izvršila mobilizaciju svih Srba u svoje jednice i svi su išli na sva ova ratišta. To što su u te jednice mobilisani i naoružani BH Srbi ne mijenja karakter rata. Rat je organizovan iz Srbije, i zato je u pitanju agresija, a ne građanski rat. Rezolucije 752 i 757 Savjeta sigurnosti UN iz 1992. godine jasno su adresirale Srbiju, JNA i Crnu goru, kao agresore, i uvele im sankcije kao kaznu za agresiju. Nažlost, Izetbegovićevi pregovori sa "Bosanskim Srbima" i "bosanskim Hrvatima", tj. sa Karadžićem i Bobanom su zamutili tu jasnu sliku agresije, i prtetvorili je u građanski rat, što je nažalost ostalo i u ovoj rezoluciji Američkog kongresa.
2. Rezolucija govori uglavnom o genocidu u Srebrenici, osim u jednom pasusu, gdje se spominju i drugi dijelovi BiH, uključujući i blokade većih gradova. Dakle, mada se prema Rezoluciji genocid događao u cijeloj BiH, a ne samo u Srebrenici, kada se pročita cjeli tekst, onda taj jedan pasus ne ostavlja prevlađujući utisak, tj. ostaje generalni utisak da je sve ostalo sitno u poređenju sa Srebrenicom. Međutim, tu veliki dio krivice svode naši Prijedorčani, Brčaci, Višegradjani, Sarajlije, Fočaci, Rogatičani, Zvorničani i svi ostali koji su bili žrtve rata, a ništa ne čine ni približno kao Srebrenčani da ubice njihovih članova familije i sugrađana budu kažnjene.
3. Bilo bi veoma dobro da Rezolucija eksplicitno konstatuje da se ne može tolerisati i dalje postojanje genocidne tvorevine RS.
Cijeneći da su među sponzorima Rezolucije i dokazani prijatelji Republike BiH, kao što je npr. senator iz Dalawarea, Joseph Biden, sigurni smo da je rezolucija kreirana iz postenih namjera prema BiH. Zato smatramo da trebamo senatorima i kongresmenima skrenuti paznju na gornje nedostatke Rezolucije, i traziti da ih isprave.
Kada se sve izvaga, ove Rezolucije su dobre za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, te ih treba podrzati, naravno uvijek dajuci do znanja šta je potpuna istina, a to je ono što su napisale Majke Srbrenice, te uz podrsku uvijek treba slati i tekst Majki Srebrenice.
Dr. Muhamed Borogovac
5. Savjet ministara Srbije i Crne Gore priznao krivicu SiCG za genocid
Rukovodstvo susjedne države je zaista razmaženo tobože naivnim, a u stvari izdajničkim bošnjačim rukovodstvom koje je bez problema "kupovalo" propagandu iz Srbije da "ne mogu biti krive čitave države za greške pojedinaca". Šta se događa kada ista propaganda ugleda svjetsko javno mnijenje? Svjetske agencije su prenijele da je Savjet ministara Srbije i Crne Gore svu krivicu za Srebrenicu svaljuje na prethodno (Miloševićevo) rukovodstvo. To je ona stara priča da su krivi "loši pojedinci", čime se u stvari skriva odgovornost države Srbije i CG. Međutim, pravnici, socilozi, političari, novinari i svako ko ima i malo zdrave pameti zna da su za agresije krive jedino države, jer su subjekti interacionalnog prava isključivo države. Interesantno kako to isto znamo i mi; inžinjeri, mehaničari, kompjuteraši, matematičari, hemičari, ekonomisti, moleri, vodoinstalateri, učenici..., a ne znaju naši pravnici i političari kao što su npr. Alija Izetbegović, Muhamed Filipović, Zdravko Grebo, Sulejman Tihic i slični. Sjetimo se kako je upravo Alija Izetbegović lansirao mudroliju da "ne može cijeli srpski narod biti kriv za greške pojedinaca", i kako su Grebo i Filipović amnestirali Republiku Srpsku tražeći da se "apsolvira sadašnje stanje, pa da se ide u dogovore sa RS o tzv. trećoj Republici BiH" kao da nije bilo agresije i genocida. Tihić se pridružio predhpodnicima Višegradskim ponavljanjem incijative da se formira "državna komisija" na kojoj će muslimanski i srpski četnici, partneri u vlasti, između sebe trgovati koliko ko jeste, a more biti i nije kriv.
Međutim, kada su svjetski mediji objavili saopštenje srpske vlade da kojom se krive Milošević i njegovi ljudi za Srebrenicu, odmah je to shvaćeno kao priznanje da je srpska DRŽAVA kriva za genocid. Naime, jedino države odgovaraju na Internacionalnom sudu pravde u Hagu, te svaljivanje krivice na prethodne vlasti je kod pametnih ljudi ne pije vodu.
Slijedi poruka Prof Boylea u originalu na Engleskom i link do članka kojega su prenijele svjetske agencije o priznanju Savjeta ministara SiCG.
This is an official Admission against Interest by the SCG Council of Ministers that Serbia and Montenegro is responsible for the massacre at Srebrenica that will legally bind S&M at the International Court of Justice in Bosnia's genocide lawsuit against S&M, which I personally sued for Bosnia under the name "Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro)". The ICJ lawsuit is against the State of Serbia and Montenegro, not the previous government. This is a question of State Responsibility, not governmental responsibility. By blaming the Srebrenica massacre on the previous government, the current government of S&M has just conceded the responsibility of the State of Serbia and Montenegro for the massacre at Srebrenica. And the ICTY has already found that the Srebrenica massacre was indeed genocide.
Francis A. Boyle
General Agent for the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1993-1994) Professor of International Law Attorney for the Mothers of Srebrenica and Podrinja
ADN/Kronos International 16 June 2005
Council of Ministers criticised over Srebrenica
BELGRADE, 16 June (AKI) -- The council of ministers of Serbia and Montenegro - the joint government of the only two republics that remained together after the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia - on Thursday drew sharp criticism from a democracy watchdog for its stand on the massacre of up to 8,000 Muslims in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica ten years ago.
While the Serbian parliament failed to agree on the text of the declaration that would condemn the massacre whick took place in July 1995, the five-member Council of Ministers issued a statement, blaming the regime of former president Slobodan Milošević, now on trial before the Hague Tribunal for War Crimes in Former Yugoslavia, for the crime.
"Those who had carried out the killings in Srebrenica, ordered and organised that massacre, represented neither Serbia nor Montenegro, but an undemocratic regime of terror and death, to which a great majority of citizens of Serbia and Montenegro put up the strongest resistance", the Council said in a statement.
Bregovićev ispad, u kojem on eksploatiše pogrešni imidž "boraca za Aliju i Islam", umjesto ispravnog, ZA REPUBLIKU BiH, najbolje je okarakterisalo udruženje Zelenih beretki, čije saopštenje slijedi u cjelini.
Branioci Sarajeva, borci "Zelenih beretki": Saopćenje
Ako ova zemlja ima časti i pameti, otkazat će koncert "Bijelog dugmeta"
Bregović sije međunacionalnu mržnju, pljuje tekovine odbrambeno-oslobodilačkog rata, vrijeđa prvog, legalno izabranog predsjednika BiH
Zgranuti uvredama Gorana Bregovića, članovi Udruženja boraca "Bosnae - Zelene beretke" Kantona Sarajevo jučer su uputili saopćenje za javnost u kojem su zatrazili od nadležnih kantonalnih i državnih organa da otkažu koncert "Bijelog dugmeta".
- Bregović na besprimjeran način sije međunacionalnu mržnju, pljuje tekovine odbrambeno-oslobodilačkog rata, vrijeđa prvog, legalno izabranog predsjednika Bosne i Hercegovine. Borci, branioci Sarajeva i BiH, životima su platili cijenu zajedničkog života sva tri naroda, borili se za multietničko društvo i neće dozvoliti da Bregović našu borbu tumači kao borbu za "Alijino Sarajevo" - stoji u saopćenju. Dalje se navodi da je Bregović u Atini održao koncert protiv bombardiranja Jugoslavije, a nikada nije odsvirao nijedan mol u znak podrške svom rodnom gradu. Turneju "Bijelog dugmeta" završava u Beogradu na Vidovdan, 28. juna, što sasvim jasno govori o kakvom se političkom, a ne muzičkom događaju radi.
- On u Beogradu održava koncert na dan kada je Milošević prije 16 godina objavio rat svima, pa i BiH. Ta velikosrpska politika, kojoj je Bregović portparol, nema pravo optuživati časne borce Armije. Mi smo se, a ne Bregović, borili za multinacionalno Sarajevo i BiH.
Ako ova zemlja ima časti i pameti, koncert ove beogradske grupe će otkazati - ističe se u saopćenju "Zelenih beretki".
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